杨秀木, 周静, 齐玉龙, 申正付, 黄慧敏. 护理本科生志愿动机、志愿行为的关系研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2015, 40(6): 807-811. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2015.06.037
    引用本文: 杨秀木, 周静, 齐玉龙, 申正付, 黄慧敏. 护理本科生志愿动机、志愿行为的关系研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2015, 40(6): 807-811. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2015.06.037
    YANG Xiu-mu, ZHOU Jing, QI Yu-long, SHEN Zheng-fu, HUANG Hui-min. The relationship between the voluntary motivation and behavior in nursing students[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2015, 40(6): 807-811. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2015.06.037
    Citation: YANG Xiu-mu, ZHOU Jing, QI Yu-long, SHEN Zheng-fu, HUANG Hui-min. The relationship between the voluntary motivation and behavior in nursing students[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2015, 40(6): 807-811. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2015.06.037


    The relationship between the voluntary motivation and behavior in nursing students

    • 摘要: 目的:研究护理本科学生志愿动机、志愿行为的状况及二者之间的关系。方法:采用整群抽样的方法, 使用《志愿动机量表》和《志愿行为问卷》, 对792名大一至大三的护理本科生进行问卷调查。 结果:既往参加过各种志愿服务活动的562人(71.0%), 从未参加过志愿活动的230人(29.0%);志愿动机量表六个维度的评分从高到低依次是:知识理解(5.227)>价值观表达(5.193)>自我增强(4.979)>职业生涯(4.766)>自我保护(4.247)>社会交往(4.059);农村生源护生在价值观表达和知识理解维度评分均高于城市生源护生(P<0.01), 在社会交往、职业生涯维度评分均低于城市生源护生(P<0.01);非独生子女在价值观表达、知识理解和自我增强维度以及志愿动机总评分均高于与独生子女(P<0.05~P<0.01);大三年级的护生在价值观表达和自我增强维度评分均高于大一和大二护生(P<0.05);大一护生志愿行为问卷评分值最高;大二护生在志愿行为问卷评分、志愿动机总评分以及价值观表达、知识理解和自我保护维度评分均处于最低值, 社会交往维度评分处于最高值;大三护生在志愿动机总评分以及价值观表达、知识理解、职业生涯、自我增强等维度评分均处于最高值;相关分析显示研究变量之间均呈显著正相关关系, 相关系数在0.243~0.848之间(P<0.01);多元逐步回归分析表明社会交往、自我增强和志愿动机对志愿行为有预测作用。 结论:护生的志愿动机表现出多元化的倾向;志愿动机对志愿行为具有一定的预测作用;高校团委要着力发展志愿服务组织, 激发学生参与志愿服务的动机, 促使学生参与各种志愿活动, 以培养学生的志愿精神。


      Abstract: Objective:To investigate the status of the voluntary motivation and behavior, and its relationship in undergraduate nursing students.Methods:Seven hundred and ninety-two freshmen and junior undergraduate nursing students were investigated using the "voluntary motivation scale" and "voluntary behavior questionnaire" by the method of cluster sampling.Results:Five hundred and sixty-two(71%) students had participated in all kinds of volunteer service activities, 230 people(29%) had never participated in volunteer activities.Six dimensions scores of volunteer motivation scale from high to low in turn were the value expression(5.227), understanding knowledge(5.193), self enhancement(4.979), occupation career(4.766), self protection(4.247) and social communication(4.059).The scores of the value expression and understanding knowledge in nursing students from rural were higher than those in the students from city(P<0.01), the scores of the social communciation and occupation career in nursing students from rural were lower than the students from city(P<0.01).The scores of the value expression, understanding knowledge, self enhancement and volunteer motivation in the non-only children were higher than those in one child(P<0.05 to P<0.01).The scores of value expression and self enhancement in junior students were higher than those in sophomore and freshmen(P<0.05).The questionnaire score of voluntary behavior in freshman nursing students was the highest.The scores of the voluntary motivation, expression value, understanding knowledge and self enhancement in the junior nursing students were the highest.Correlation analysis showed that there were significantly positive correlation among the variables, the correlation coefficient of which was between 0.243 to 0.848(P<0.01).The multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the social communication, self enhancement and voluntary motivation could predict the voluntary behavior.Conclusions:Voluntary motivation of nursing students has the pluralism tendency.Volunteer motivation has certain predictive effect on the voluntary behavior.The Communist Youth League in Colleges and Universities should focus on the development of voluntary service organizations, stimulate students to participate in voluntary service motivation, promote students to participate in various volunteer activities and cultivate the volunteer spirit of students.


