
    Effect of the modified restraint gloves in neurosurgical patients

    • 摘要:
      目的 探讨改良约束手套在神经外科病人中的应用效果。
      方法 选取神经外科106例约束病人,采用非同期对照分为对照组52例、观察组54例,对照组使用传统约束手套,观察组采用改良约束手套,比较2组病人约束部位规范化护理措施落实率、日约束松脱率、约束部位并发症发生率及病人满意度等指标情况。
      结果 观察组约束部位规范化护理措施落实率为92.22%,显著高于对照组的74.04%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组日约束松脱率为9.71%、约束部位并发症发生率为5.56%,均低于对照组的32.45%、28.85%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组病人满意度均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
      结论 应用改良约束手套可有效提高神经外科病人约束部位规范化护理措施落实率,降低日约束松脱率和约束并发症发生率,改善约束依从性及体验感,有效提高病人满意度。


      Objective To explore the application effect of modified restraint gloves in neurosurgical patients.
      Methods A total of 106 restrained patients in neurosurgery department were selected, and divided into the control group(52 cases) and observation group(54 cases) by non-synchronous control.Traditional restraint gloves were used in the control group, and improved restraint gloves were used in the observation group.The implementation rate of standardized nursing measures for restraint sites, daily restraint release rate, complication rate of restraint sites and patient satisfaction were compared between the two groups.
      Results The implementation rate of standardized nursing measures in the observation group(92.22%) was significantly higher than that in control group(74.04%)(P < 0.05).The daily constraint release rate and complication rate of constraint site were 9.71% and 5.56% in the observation group, and both were lower than those in control group(32.45% and 28.85%)(P < 0.05).The satisfaction of patients in the observation group was higher than that in control group(P < 0.05).
      Conclusions The application of improved restraint gloves can effectively improve the implementation rate of standardized nursing measures in neurosurgery patients, reduce the daily restraint release rate and incidence of restraint complications, improve the restraint compliance and experience, and effectively improve patient satisfaction.


