
    Correlation study of post-traumatic growth with psychological resilience and rumination contemplation in patients treated with PCI for coronary artery disease

    • 摘要:
      目的 探讨冠心病行经皮冠状动脉介入术(PCI)治疗病人创伤后成长与心理弹性和反刍性沉思的相关性研究。
      方法 选取205例冠心病PCI治疗病人作为研究对象。采用自制一般资料调查问卷收集其一般资料并进行创伤后成长评定量表(PTGI)、心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)、简体中文版事件相关反刍性沉思问卷(C-ERRI)评分的收集。应用Pearson相关分析对一般资料、CD-RISC评分、C-ERRI评分与冠心病PCI治疗病人PTGI评分的相关性进行分析。
      结果 文化程度与心理弹性呈正相关关系(P<0.01);婚姻状况与成长创伤均呈负相关关系(P<0.01);居住地与心理弹性呈正相关关系(P<0.01);家庭每月人均经济收入与心理弹性呈正相关关系(P<0.05);成长创伤与心理弹性、反刍性沉思均呈正相关关系(P<0.01);心理弹性与反刍性沉思呈正相关关系(P<0.01)。PTG、心理弹性对反刍性沉思造成影响时,SPC分别为0.182、0.187,均>0,路径呈现出的0.05水平的显著性(Z=2.283、2.340,P<0.05),说明PTG、心理弹性对反刍性沉思为正向影响关系。
      结论 冠心病PCI治疗病人创伤后成长与心理弹性和反刍性沉思正相关性,同时文化程度、婚姻状况、居住地、家庭每月人均经济收入、均会对病人创伤后成长与心理弹性和反刍性沉思造成影响。


      Objective To explore the correlation between post-traumatic growth and psychological resilience and rumination in patients with coronary heart disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
      Methods A total of 205 patients with coronary heart disease treated by PCI were selected as the study subject.The self-made general information questionnaire was used to collect their general information, and the scores of PTGI, CD-RISC and C-ERRI were collected.Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between general information, CD-RISC score, C-ERRI score and PTGI score of patients with coronary heart disease treated by PCI.
      Results There was a positive correlation between educational level and psychological resilience (P < 0.01).Marital status was negatively correlated with growth trauma (P < 0.01).Residence was positively correlated with psychological resilience (P < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between family monthly per capita economic income and psychological resilience (P < 0.05).Growth trauma was positively correlated with psychological resilience and ruminative contemplation (P < 0.01).There was a positive correlation between resilience and ruminant contemplation (P < 0.01).When PTG and psychological resilience had an impact on ruminant meditation, the SPC was 0.182 and 0.187, respectively, both of which were >0, and the path showed significance at the level of 0.05 (Z=2.283, 2.340, P < 0.05).It showed that PTG and psychological resilience had a positive effect on rumination.
      Conclusions The post-traumatic growth of patients with coronary heart disease treated by PCI is positively correlated with psychological resilience and ruminant contemplation.At the same time, the education level, marital status, residence, and monthly per capita economic income of the family will all have an impact on the post-traumatic growth, psychological resilience and ruminant contemplation of patients.


