
    Principal component analysis of the related symptoms cluster of living activity function in esophageal cancer patients treated with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy

    • 摘要:
      目的 分析影响食管癌同步放化疗病人生活活动功能相关的症状簇因素。
      方法 收集食管癌同步放化疗病人112例作为研究对象,通过SPSS26.0统计学软件分析其相关症状簇因素。
      结果 120例病人中最终有112例病人完成调查(93.33%),受试病人6个症状分别是口干、疼痛、恶心、呕吐、胃口差、睡眠障碍。探索性因子分析最终得出3个症状簇:呕吐与恶心、胃口差与疲乏、口干与疼痛。主成分分析提取症状群,KMO检验(KMO=0.89)和Bartlett球形检验(χ2=1 235.43,df=55,P<0.01)表明数据之间具有相关性,适用于做主成分分析;经过多元线性回归显示,放疗次数、合并并发症数目、疾病分期为影响生活活动相关症状词的主要因素,3个变量的决定系数为R2=0.164,校正R2=0.150,F=11.270,P<0.01。
      结论 食管癌同步放化疗病人影响生活活动功能存在多个相关症状簇,医护人员应正确认识症状簇对病人的影响,并开展针对性干预措施,改善病人机体与经济负担。


      Objective To analyze the influencing factors of the related symptoms cluster of living activity function in esophageal cancer patients treated with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
      Methods A total of 112 esophageal cancer patients treated with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and the related symptom cluster factors were analyzed by SPSS26.0 statistical software.
      Results Among the 120 patients, 112 patients finally completed the survey(93.33%), and the six symptoms of tested patients were the dry mouth, pain, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite and sleep disturbance.The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the three symptom clusters were vomiting and nausea, poor appetite and fatigue, dry mouth and pain.The symptom groups were extracted by principal component analysis.The KMO test(KMO=0.89) and Bartlett sphericity test(χ2=1 235.43, df=55, P < 0.01) showed that there was a correlation among the data, which was suitable for principal component analysis.The results of multiple linear regression showed that the number of radiotherapy, number of complications and stage of disease were the main factors affecting the related symptom of life activity.The determination coefficient of the three variables were R2=0.164, correction R2=0.150 and F=11.270(P < 0.01).
      Conclusions There are several related symptom clusters affecting living activity function in esophageal cancer patients treated with concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy.Medical staff should correctly understand the impact of symptom cluster on patients, and carry out targeted intervention measures to improve the body and economic burden of patients.


