
    Effect of artificial intelligence tool use on medical students' autonomous learning ability: the chain mediating role of general self-efficacy and critical thinking ability

    • 摘要:
      目的: 探究人工智能(AI)工具辅助学习对医学生自主学习能力的影响,一般自我效能感和批判性思维能力的链式中介作用。
      方法: 采用一般资料调查表、自我效能感量表、批判性思维能力量表和自主学习能力量表对安徽省4所医学院校的大一至大三的3010名本科生进行调查。
      结果: 本次调查的3010名医学生中,从没使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生753人,占比25.02%;使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生2257人,占比74.98%;与未使用过AI辅助学习的学生相比,使用过AI辅助的学生的一般自我效能感、批判性思维和自主学习能力的得分均更高(P < 0.01)。相关分析表明,研究变量AI工具辅助学习、一般自我效能感、批判性思维能力及其各维度、自主学习能力及其各维度得分之间均呈明显正相关关系(P < 0.01); AI工具辅助学习不仅能直接影响医学生自主学习能力,还可以通过三条路径间接影响自主学习能力:一是自我效能感的单独中介作用,二是批判性思维能力的单独中介作用,三是自我效能感→批判性思维能力的链式中介作用。中介效应占总效应值的38.73%。结构方程模型的拟合指数为χ2 = 159.111,χ2/df = 2.713,RMSEA = 0.044,GFI = 0.978,AGFI = 0.961,CFI = 0.981,NFI = 0.968,IFI = 0.973,模型拟合良好。
      结论: AI工具辅助医学生学习,可以正向提升医学生的一般自我效能感、批判性思维能力和自主学习能力,有助于培养目标的达成。


      Objective To explore the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) tool-assisted learning on medical students' autonomous learning ability, and the chain mediating role of general self-efficacy and critical thinking ability.
      Methods General data questionnaire, self-efficacy scale, critical thinking ability scale and self-learning ability scale were used to investigate 3 010 freshmen, sophomores and juniors in 4 medical colleges in Anhui province.
      Results Among the 3 010 medical students in this survey, 753 medical students (accounting for 25.02%) had never used AI tools to assist learning, 2 257 medical students (accounting for 74.98%) had used AI tools to assist learning. Compared with students who had not used AI-assisted learning, students who had used AI-assisted learning had higher scores on general self-efficacy, critical thinking and autonomous learning ability (P < 0.01). Correlation analysis showed that the research variables AI tool-assisted learning, general self-efficacy, critical thinking ability and its dimensions, autonomous learning ability and its dimensions were significantly positively correlated (P < 0.01). AI tool-assisted learning could not only directly affect the autonomous learning ability of medical students, but also indirectly affect the autonomous learning ability through three paths: first, the independent mediating effect of self-efficacy, second, the independent mediating effect of critical thinking ability, and third, the chain mediating effect of self-efficacy → critical thinking ability. The mediating effect accounted for 38.73% of the total effect value. The fitting index of the structural equation model was as follows: χ2 = 159.111, χ2/df = 2.713, RMSEA = 0.044, GFI = 0.978, AGFI = 0.961, CFI = 0.981, NFI = 0.968, IFI = 0.973, indicating good fit of the model.
      Conclusions AI tool-assisted learning in medical students can positively improve medical students' general self-efficacy, critical thinking ability and autonomous learning ability, and contribute to the achievement of training goals.


