
    Influence of artificial intelligence tool use on scientific research innovation ability of medical master students

    • 摘要:
      目的: 探讨人工智能(AI)工具辅助科研工作对医学硕士研究生科研创新能力的影响。
      方法: 采用一般资料调查表、AI工具辅助科研问卷、科研效能感量表、批判性思维能力量表和科研创新能力量表,对安徽省4所医学本科高校的医学硕士研究生713人进行横断面调查。
      结果: 使用过AI工具辅助科研的医学硕士研究生占比87.66%(625/713),其中使用AI工具辅助科研频次从很少使用到频繁使用依次占比10.56%(66/625)、21.92%(137/625)、44.16%(276/625)、16.16%(101/625)和7.20%(45/625);使用AI工具辅助科研的熟悉程度从非常不熟悉到非常熟悉依次占比4.48%(28/625)、11.52%(72/625)、50.08%(313/625)、27.20%1(70/625)和6.72%(42/625)。与未使用过AI工具辅助科研的医学硕士研究生相比,使用过AI工具者科研效能感、批判性思维能力和科研创新能力均明显提升(P<0.01)。相关分析显示,AI辅助科研使用情况与科研效能感、批判性思维能力、科研创新能力之间均呈两两正相关关系(P<0.01)。结构方程模型和中介效应检验结果显示,科研效能感和批判性思维能力在使用AI工具辅助科研和科研创新能力之间起链式中介作用,中介效应占总效应的42.08%。
      结论: 使用AI工具辅助科研有助于提升医学硕士研究生科研创新能力,实现技术赋能,医学硕士研究生使用AI辅助科研的广度和深度需进一步挖掘。


      Objective To explore the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) tool-assisted scientific research on the scientific research innovation ability of medical master students.
      Methods General data questionnaire, AI tool-assisted research questionnaire, research efficacy scale, critical thinking ability scale, and scientific research innovation ability scale were used to conduct a cross-sectional survey of medical master students in 4 medical universities in Anhui province.
      Results Proportion of medical master students who used AI tool to assist scientific research was 87.66% (625/713), and the proportion of frequency of using AI tool to assist scientific research ranged from rarely to frequently, accounting for 10.56% (66/625), 21.92% (137/625), 44.16% (276/625), 16.16% (101/625), and 7.20% (45/625), respectively. The familiarity level of using AI tool to assist scientific research ranged from very unfamility to very famility, accounting for 4.48% (28/625), 11.52% (72/625), 50.08% (313/625), 27.20% (70/625), and 6.72% (42/625), respectively. The research efficacy, critical thinking ability, and research innovation ability of medical master students who have used AI tool to assist research were increased significantly compared with those have not used AI tool (P<0.01). Correlation analysis showed that there was a pairwise positive correlation between the use of AI tool-assisted scientific research and research efficacy, critical thinking ability, and research innovation ability (P<0.01). The results of structural equation model and mediating effect testing implied that research efficacy and critical thinking ability played a chain mediating effect between the use of AI tool to assist research and research innovation ability, with mediating effect accounting for 42.08% of the total effect.
      Conclusions The use of AI tool to assist scientific research can effectively improve scientific research innovation ability of medical master students, and achieve technical empowerment. The breadth and depth of AI-assisted scientific research for medical master students need to be further explored.


