
    An empirical study on the influence of artificial intelligence on medical students' learning performance

    • 摘要:
      目的: 探究人工智能(AI)辅助学习对医学生学习绩效的影响。
      方法: 采用一般人口社会学资料调查表、AI使用问卷、学习投入量表和学习继续量表对安徽省4所医学院校的3010名医学生进行横断面调查。
      结果: 3010名医学生中,使用过AI工具辅助学习的学生2257人(74.98%),与未使用过AI工具辅助学习的学生相比,使用过AI工具辅助学习的学生的学习投入和学习绩效水平更高(P < 0. 01);多元线性回归分析表明,相对于未使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生,使用过和坚持使用AI工具辅助学习对医学生的学习投入和学习绩效有正向影响(P < 0.01);坚持使用AI工具辅助学习的医学生中,使用AI工具探究低认知—封闭型(LC)和高认知—封闭型(HC)问题对其学习投入和学习绩效均有正向影响(P < 0.01);倾向值匹配法检验AI工具使用对学习投入和学习绩效的作用具有稳健性:相较于未使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生,使用过的医学生的学习投入(average treatment effect on the treated,ATT) = 0.209,P < 0. 01和学习绩效(ATT = 0.213,P < 0.01)更高;相较于没有坚持使用AI工具辅助学习的医学生,坚持使用的医学生的学习投入(ATT = 0.103,P < 0.01)和学习绩效(ATT = 0.081,P < 0.01)更高;对学习投入和学习绩效差距来源的OB分解法效应分解结果表明:相比于未使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生,使用过AI工具辅助学习的医学生的学习投入平均高0.219分,可解释2组学生学习投入差异的92.24%;学习绩效平均高0.205分,可解释2组学生学习绩效差异的90.73%%。
      结论: 医学生使用AI工具辅助学习,可以有效提升学习投入和学习绩效,有助于学习目标的达成。


      Objective To explore the influence of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted learning on the learning performance of medical students.
      Methods A cross-sectional survey of 3 010 medical students from 4 medical colleges in Anhui province was conducted by using the general population sociological data questionnaire, AI use questionnaire, learning engagement scale and learning continuation scale.
      Results Among the 3 010 medical students, 2 257 (74.98%) had used AI tools to assist learning. Compared with the students who had not used AI tools to assist learning, the students who had used AI tools to assist learning had higher levels of learning engagement and performance (P < 0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that, compared with medical students who had not used AI tools to assist learning, the use and persistence of AI tools to assist learning had a positive impact on the learning engagement and learning performance of medical students (P < 0.01). Among medical students who insisted on using AI tools to assist learning, the use of AI tools to explore low-cognitive-closed (LC) and high-cognitive-closed (HC) problems had a positive impact on their learning engagement and learning performance (P < 0.01). The propensity value matching method was used to test the robustness of the effect of AI tool use on learning engagement and learning performance, and found that, compared with the medical students who had not used AI tools to assist learning, the medical students who had used AI tools had significantly higher learning engagement (average treatment effect on the treated, ATT) = 0.209, P < 0.01 and learning performance (ATT = 0.213, P < 0.01); compared with the medical students who did not insist on using AI tools to assist learning, the medical students who insisted on using AI tools had higher learning engagement (ATT = 0.103, P < 0.01) and higher learning performance (ATT = 0.081, P < 0.01). The effect decomposition results of the OB decomposition method on the sources of the gaP between learning engagement and learning performance showed that, compared with medical students who did not use AI tools to assist learning, the average learning engagement of medical students who used AI tools to assist learning was 0.219 points higher, which could explain 92.24% of the difference in learning engagement of students between the two groups, and the average improvement in learning performance was 0.205 points higher, which could explain 90.73% of the difference in learning performance of students between the two groups.
      Conclusions Medical students using AI tools to assist learning can effectively improve learning engagement and learning performance, and helP achieve learning goals.


