
    Study on the protective factors of mental health literacy among Bengbu residents

    • 摘要:
      目的: 调查蚌埠市居民心理健康素养(MHL)水平并分析相关保护因素,为提升居民心理健康水平提供科学依据。方法:采用分层多阶段随机抽样方法抽取18岁及以上蚌埠市常住居民3 122人,使用国民心理健康素养问卷进行调查。
      结果: 共回收有效问卷3 029份,2023年蚌埠市居民MHL达标率为20.76%(849/3029),不同地区、年龄、受教育程度居民的MHL水平差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。单因素分析结果显示,在不同地区、年龄、学历的MHL达标率差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01),城市居民达标率高于农村居民(P < 0.01),年龄越小达标率越高(P < 0.01),学历越高达标率越高(P < 0.01)。logistic回归分析结果显示,相较于农村、年龄≥60岁、初中及以下学历,所在地区为城市(OR = 1.971,95%CI:1.588~2.447),年龄为18~29岁(OR = 1.922,95%CI:1.335~2.768)、30~44岁(OR = 1.587,95%CI:1.195~2.109),学历为大专(OR = 1.436,95%CI:1.101~1.873)、本科(OR = 1.568,95%CI:1.143~2.152)、硕士及以上(OR = 6.723,95%CI:1.703~26.543)的居民MHL水平高(P < 0.01)。
      结论: 蚌埠市居民的MHL水平较高,居住在城市、年龄为18~44岁、学历为大专及以上是MHL的保护性因素。


      Objective To investigate the level of residents' mental health literacy (MHL) in Bengbu and analyze the related protective factors, so as to provide scientific basis for improving the level of residents' mental health.
      Methods A total of 3122 permanent residents aged 18 and above in Bengbu were selected by stratified multi-stage random sampling method, and the national mental health literacy questionnaire was used to investigate.
      Results A total of 3029 valid questionnaires were collected. The MHL compliance rate of Bengbu residents in 2023 was 20.76% (849/3029), and the differences of MHL level among different regions, ages and education levels residents were statistically significant (P < 0.01). The results of single factor analysis showed that the differences of MHL compliance rate among different regions, ages and educational background residents were statistically significant (P < 0.01). The compliance rate of the urban residents was higher than that of rural residents (P < 0.01). The younger the age, the higher the compliance rate (P < 0.01), and the higher the educational background, the higher the compliance rate(P < 0.01). The results of logistic regression analysis results showed that compared with rural areas, age ≥60 years old and junior high school education or below residents, the MHL levels in the urban (OR = 1.971, 95%CI: 1.588–2.447), aged 18–29 years old (OR = 1.922, 95%CI:1.335–2.768) and 30–44 years old (OR = 1.587, 95%CI:1.195–2.109), college education (OR = 1.436, 95%CI: 1.101–1.873), bachelor degree (OR = 1.568, 95%CI: 1.143–2.152), master degree or above (OR = 6.723,95%CI: 1.703–26.543) residents were higher (P < 0.01).
      Conclusions The MHL levels of Bengbu residents are high. Living in the city, being 18–44 years old and having a college degree or higher are the protective factors of MHL.


