
    Bi-polar electrocoagulation under nosal endoscope for treatment of intractable epistaxis in the elderly:a report of 38 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 观察鼻内镜下双极电凝治疗老年人顽固性鼻出血的疗效。方法: 对38例老年人顽固性鼻出血在鼻内镜下寻找出血点,并行双极电凝止血。结果: 37例找到明确出血点,1例未见明确出血点。双极电凝一次治愈36例,2例伴有高血压病的患者电凝后仍有少量出血,经控制血压后治愈。术后未出现并发症,随诊3个月均未发生再出血。结论: 老年人顽固性鼻出血鼻内镜下可准确寻找到出血点,双极电凝能有效止血。


      Abstract: Objective: To assess the effect of bi-polar electrocoagulation under nosal endoscope in treatment of intractable epistaxis in the elderly.Methods: Thirty-eight elderly patients with intractable epistaxis were checked by nosa endoscope and performed bi-polar electrocoagulation once the hemorrhagic focus was detected.Results: Hemorrhagic focus was detected by nosal endoscope in 37 cases and no definite hemorrhagic focus was found in 1 case.Thirty-six cases were cured on the first treatment,and 2 cases with hypertension that still had slight bleeding after treatment were cured after the blood pressure was controlled.All the cases were followed up for 3 months;no recurrence or complication were observed.Conclusions: The nasal endoscope can locate the epistaxis focus precisely;bi-polar electrocoagulation is an effective means for treatment of intractable epistaxis in the elderly.


