
    Analysis of stress hyperglycemia level and prognosis: A report of 75 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨应激性高血糖控制水平与病情转归的相关性。方法: 根据血糖控制水平将75例应激性高血糖患者分为血糖控制良好组(A组);血糖控制一般组(B组);血糖控制极差组(C组),以并发严重感染、多器官功能不全、病死率作为各组间预后评定标准,并进行统计学处理。结果: A组均好于B组与C组(P<0.017~P<0.010);B组与C组差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论: 良好控制应激性高血糖能改善患者预后。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the correlation between the blood glucose level and the prognosis.Methods: Seventy-five patients with stress hyperglycemia were divided into three groups according to their control of the blood glucose level.The blood glucose level in Group A was well controlled,Group B generally controlled and Group C demonstrated bad insulin control.The infection,multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and death rate were the judging standard between the groups;and the results were statistically analyzed.Results: The prognosis of group A was better than that of group B and group C(P<0.017 to P<0.010).There was no statistical significance between group B and group C(P>0.05).Conclusions: Control of excitability hyperglycemia level can ameliorate the patients' prognosis.


