
    Treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage with the aid of neuroendoscopy

    • 摘要: 目的: 总结在神经内镜辅助下治疗高血压性脑出血的疗效。方法: 在神经内镜辅助下行血肿清除术,术后辅助血肿腔引流及综合治疗。结果: 8例中存活4例,重残2例,死亡2例。结论: 对高血压性脑出血的患者,严格选择手术适应证,应用神经内镜辅助手术治疗可降低病死率,提高治疗效果。


      Abstract: Objective: To summarize the experience in treating 8 cases of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage with the aid of neuroendoscopy.Methods: The hematoma was evacucated with the aid of nerroendoscopy,then the hematoma cavitary drainage and comprehensive remedy were performed.Results: Four patients survived,2 were seriously disabled and 2 died.Conclusions: Careful selection of operative indications can decrease the death rate and improve the curative effect for the patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrahage.


