
    Analysis of 2 864 clinical transfusion application forms

    • 摘要: 目的: 通过分析临床输血申请单中不规范的原因,提出改进措施,以确保临床输血安全。方法: 对2009年2 864份临床输血申请单逐项核查并统计,以项目完整、规范为合格。结果: 2 864份临床输血申请单中,填写不规范者1 233份(43.1%);不规范书写累计达1 538处之多。结论: 输血申请单存在不规范情况较多,对安全输血存在重大隐患,并可能由此而引起医疗纠纷;必须采取措施使临床医务人员规范填写临床输血申请单,以确保临床输血安全。


      Abstract: Objective: To ensure the security of clinical blood transfusion by analyzing the causes of substandard filling of blood transfusion application forms. Methods: Two thousand eight hundred and sixty-four transfusion application forms collected from our department during Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2009 were checked and analyzed;integrity and standard filling of all the items were regarded as qualified forms. Results: One thousand two hundred and thirty-three (43.1%) of the transfusion application forms were substandardly filled,and 1 538 unstandard handwriting errors were detected. Conclusions: Substandardly filled transfusion application forms are frequently seen,which may be hidden danger to transfusion safety and lead to health disputes. It is necessary for medical workers to fill the transfusion application forms correctly to ensure the security of clinical blood transfusion.


