路春雨, 吴晓东, 刘学民. 微创治疗急性硬膜外血肿41例分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2006, 31(4): 401-402.
    引用本文: 路春雨, 吴晓东, 刘学民. 微创治疗急性硬膜外血肿41例分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2006, 31(4): 401-402.


    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨小骨瓣治疗急性硬膜外血肿的优缺点及适应证。方法: 41例均在全麻下进行,依影像学定位,于血肿最厚处取一长5~8 cm的直切口;若血肿最厚处有伤口,应尽量利用;环钻或铣刀取一直径3~4 cm的骨瓣;4周清除血肿后悬吊硬膜;骨瓣复位并用连接片固定。结果: 41例均于次日复查头颅CT,显示血肿清除完全,41例愈后均较佳。结论: 微创治疗急性硬膜外血肿手术损伤小,进入病灶时间短,血肿清除及止血彻底,愈后良好。


      Abstract: Objective: This study was designed to characterize the ultrastructure of the coccoid Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) forms in the tissues of carcinoma.Methods: Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) technique was used to examine the structure of coccoid H. pylori in 4 cases of gastric carcinoma and 2 cases of esophageal carcinoma.Results: It was found that the coccoid H. pylori were scattered in cancer nest and cancer interspace,some of which enterded cancer cells,macrophages and other cells.The coccoid H. pylori appeared to be similar to the L-forms of other bacteria with varying cell shape and size,different cytoplasmic electron densities and defects in cell wall.Two types of coccoid H. pylori could be distinguished in the tissues of carcinoma by TEM.Type A was smaller with higher electron density in the cytoplasma,and flagellation on the cell membrane,suggesting that it could be viable.However,the type B was larger with lower electron density in the cytoplasma,and no flagellation on the cell membrane,suggesting that it could be a degenerative form.Conclusions: The coccoid forms of H.pulori still have certain degree of viability,thus they may play an important role in the transmission of H. pylori,the relapse of H. pylori related disease after treatment and the development of the related carcinoma.


