
    Resection of buccal fat pad in cosmetic surgery: A report of 168 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨颊脂肪垫切除在整形美容手术中的临床意义。方法: 采用切除颊脂肪垫的方法治疗面部臃肿168例,其中52例行单纯颊脂肪垫切除术,116例与其它整形手术联合进行。结果: 168例患者术后面部外形均令人满意,取得较好的美容效果。结论: 本方法操作简便,对预防和矫正"八字垂脸"效果显著,值得推广应用。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the clinical implication of resecting buccal fat pad in cosmetic surgery.Methods: Buccal fat pad was resected for treating fatty and ptosis face in 168 cases,of whom the sole resection of buccal fat pad was performed in 52 cases and combined cosmetic surgery in 116 cases.Results: The contour of face was satisfactory in all the 168 cases after cosmetic surgery.Conclusions: Resection of fat pad is a simple method in correcting and preventing "sagging face" in cosmetic surgery.It is worth popularizing.


