
    Pulmonary embolism in the elderly:an analysis of 26 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨老年人肺栓塞的临床特点、诊断方法及治疗方案的选择。方法: 对26例老年人肺栓塞的危险因素、临床特点、辅助检查、不同治疗方案及临床结果进行总结分析。结果: 老年人肺栓塞均有2种或2种以上危险因素,以下肢深静脉血栓、卧床、高血压居多。临床表现无特异性,最常见为劳力性呼吸困难。心电图、胸部X线片、超声心动图异常多见,多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)为主要确诊手段;首诊中92.3%误诊为呼吸循环系统疾病。溶栓治疗4例,治愈及好转3例;单纯抗凝治疗16例,治愈及好转11例;未采用溶栓及抗凝治疗6例,治愈及好转2例。结论: 老年人肺栓塞临床表现无特异性,应提高诊断意识,减少误诊率,CTPA可作为确诊的首选检查方法,选择合理规范的抗凝或溶栓治疗,可降低病死率。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the clinical characteristics,diagnosis and choice of treatment of pulmonary embolism in the elderly. Methods: The clinical data of 26 cases of aged patients with pulmonary embolism, including the risk factors,clinical characteristics, assistant examinations,and the effects of different treatment program,was retrospectively analysed. Results: The pulmonary embolism had two or more risk factors in the elderly,and mainly occurred in cases with deep vein thrombosis, bed rest, and hypertension. The clinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism had no specificity, and the most of them were exertional dyspnea,and the abnormity of cardiogram, sternum or echocardiogram in the elderly. The multilayer spiral computed tomograph angiography of pulmonary artery (CTPA) was the effective examination technique for diagnosis. At first examination, 92.3% cases of patients were misdiagnosed as cardiorespiratory disease. Among 4 cases treated by thrombolysis, 3 cases were cured. Among 16 cases treated by anti-freezing exclusively, 11 cases were cured. Among 6 cases treated without thrombolysis and anti-freezing, 2 cases were cured. Conclusions: The clinical manifestations of pulmonary embolism have no specificity in the elderly, so, the doctor should perceived distinctly to avoid misdiagnosis. CTPA can be its preferred method of diagnosis. Normal thrombolysis and anti-freezing treatment can reduce its mortality.


