高志友. 大脑镰、小脑幕旁硬膜下血肿CT再认识及临床意义[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2011, 36(11): 1240-1241,1244.
    引用本文: 高志友. 大脑镰、小脑幕旁硬膜下血肿CT再认识及临床意义[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2011, 36(11): 1240-1241,1244.
    GAO Zhi-you. Re-recognition and clinical significance of subdural hematoma at cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2011, 36(11): 1240-1241,1244.
    Citation: GAO Zhi-you. Re-recognition and clinical significance of subdural hematoma at cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2011, 36(11): 1240-1241,1244.


    Re-recognition and clinical significance of subdural hematoma at cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum

    • 摘要: 目的:提高对大脑镰、小脑幕旁硬膜下血肿的CT再认识,为临床正确治疗提供可靠依据。方法:分析31例具有完整资料的外伤性大脑镰、小脑幕旁硬膜下血肿的CT表现。结果:31例中大脑镰硬膜下血肿17例,表现为与大脑镰形态相似但较正常结构宽大的高密度影,呈细条状、宽带状及剑形高密度影,硬脑膜侧平直,外缘呈弧形或波浪状。小脑幕硬膜下血肿9例,表现为片状、新月形、扇形高密度影,大脑镰并有小脑幕硬膜下血肿5例,表现为镰刀形或"Y"字形高密度影。结论:大脑镰、小脑幕旁硬膜下血肿是一种特殊硬膜下血肿,具有特殊的CT征象,结合薄层、冠状位扫描及多平面重建、CT复查,可明确诊断。


      Abstract: Objective:To improve the CT images re-recognition on subdural hematoma at cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum in order to provide the reliable basis for correct clinical therapy. Methods:CT findings of 31 patients with traumatic subdural hematoma of cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum were analyzed retrospectively. Results:All of 31 cases were hyperdence,17 cases were cerebral flax subdural hematomas. They presented shape similitude as cerebral flax, but it was wider than normal, as the lesions presented as high density shadow with slender and sword,duramater presented straight,its external margain presented as wave or arc. Nine cases of cerebellum tentorium hematomas presented as flakes,crescent-shaped or sectors. Five cases of subdural hematomas of cerebral flax with cerebellum tentorium presented as falciform or "Y" shape. Conclusions:Subdural hematomas of cerebral flax and tentorium of cerebellum are typical subdural hematoma and characteristic features of CT,thin slice and coronal scan,MPR rebuilding, CT re-examination,can make accurate diagnosis.


