
    Clinical observation on the treatment of functional enuresis by acupuncture plus TDP irradiation: Report of 56 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨针刺加TDP照射治疗功能性遗尿的疗效。方法: 对56例功能性遗尿的患者采用针刺加TDP照射治疗。按辨证分型取穴,肾阳不足型取穴百会、关元、中极、肾俞、膀胱俞及太溪,脾肺气虚型取穴百会、气海、太渊、足三里及三阴交,1~2疗程后观察疗效。结果: 56例患者,治愈41例,好转13例,无效2例,总有效率为96.4%。结论: 针刺加TDP照射治疗功能性遗尿疗效显著,治以补脾肺温肾阳。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the effect of acupuncture plus TDP irradiation on functional enuresis.Methods: Fifty-six patients with functional enuresis were treated by acupunctnre combined with TDP irradiation.Acupuncture points were selected according to the differentiation of syndromes so as to achieve the curative effect.The points of Baihui(GV20),Guanyuan(Ren4),Zhonji(Ren3),Shenshu(B23),Pangguang shu(B28) and Taixi(K3) made up a basic prescription in the deficiency of the kidney yang.The points of Baihui(GV20),Qihai(CV6),Taiyuan(L9),Zusanli(S36) and Sanyinjiao(SP6) were selected as the main points in the weakness of the spleen and lung.The effects were observed after 1 to 2 courses of treatment.Results: Forty-one cases were cured,13 improved and 2 no response.The total effective rate was 96.4%.Conclusions: The efficacy of acupuncture plus TDP irradiation therapy on functional enuresis is apparent.The treatment is directed to tonify the spleen and lung and reinforce the kidney yang.


