
    The analysis of surgical treatment in 21 cases with substernal goiter

    • 摘要: 目的:总结手术治疗胸骨后甲状腺肿经验及疗效。方法:21例均行手术切除,其中甲状腺癌1例行根治术;其余20例良性肿瘤行甲状腺大部或次全切除术。结果:全组无手术死亡和住院病死病例,喉返神经损伤1例,一过性手足抽搐2例,分别于术后3个月和术后2个月恢复。结论:胸骨后甲状腺肿一般可经颈部切除,不需做胸骨切开,其预后效果满意。


      Abstract: Objective: To summarize the surgical experience and therapeutic effect for substernal goiter.Methods: Twenty-one cases with substernal goiter were operated with resection method.One case of thyroid cancer was treated with radical resection,the other 20 cases of thyroid benign tumor were treated with subtotal thyroidectomy.Results: No operative or hospitalized death occurred;one case was complicated with recurrent laryngeal nerve injury,and postoperative recovery was in three months.Two cases was with transient tetany,postoperative recovery was in in two months.Conclusions: Goiter can be excised by way of neck with satisfactory prognosis,and there is no need to open the chest.


