
    Image features and clinical analysis of heroin toxic encephalopathy: A report of 3 cases

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨海洛因中毒性脑病的临床特点、影像学(CT和MRI)特征。方法: 分析3例海洛因中毒性脑病患者的临床、影像学特点、治疗及预后。结果: 3例均为青年人,均有明确吸毒史,于毒品戒断半个月内发病。呈亚急性起病,表现为进行性构音困难、行走不稳、反应迟钝等。头颅CT和MRI显示双侧广泛性对称性小脑半球、基底节区、大脑半球白质、脑干脱髓鞘改变。经甲泼尼松冲击治疗有效。结论: 依靠明确吸毒史及具有特点的临床表现和影像学特征,使患者得到尽早诊治,预后较好。


      Abstract: Objective: To study clinical manifestation and image features(CT and MRI) on toxic encephalopathy after inhaling heroin.Methods: Analysed clinic manifestion,image features,treatment and results of three cases.Results: Three patients were the youth,they all had definite histories of inhaling heroin,and they had appearances of clinical manifestations in half month after abrupt abstinence.The disease started in a subacute way.And the main clinical manifestations were progressive dysarthria,unstable walking,reaction retardation,ect.The CT and MRI of brain revealed the change of generalized,symmetrical demyelination in cerebellum hemisphere,basal ganglia,white matter of cerebrum hemisphere,brain stem.By treated with methylprednisolone 3 patients improve remarkably.Conclusions: The diagnozis of heroin toxic encephalopathy should be dependent on the definite history of inhaling heroin and clinical features and imagine features,so we could diagnose and treat the patients of the disease in time.


