
    Asymmetry of cingulate sulcus and paracingulate sulcus

    • 摘要: 目的:观察副扣带沟在国人人群中的出现率及侧别差异、扣带沟走行的连续性及各类型出现的概率。方法:在微型计算机上eFilm 1.5工作站中,选取30例头颅连续MRI矢状断层两侧旁正中矢状面,观察副扣带沟的出现率;扣带沟走行的连续性及各类型出现的概率。结果:左侧大脑半球副扣带沟的出现率为56.67%,右侧为26.67%;左侧扣带沟连续不分段的出现率为63.33%,右侧为50%;左侧出现副扣带沟时,同侧连续型扣带沟出现率为88.24%,右侧出现副扣带沟时,同侧连续型扣带沟出现率为71.43%。结论:副扣带沟的出现呈现明显的左偏趋势;副扣带沟的出现显著影响了扣带沟走行的连续性。


      Abstract: Objective: To observe the presence of the paracingulate sulcus(PCS) and the continuity of the cingulate sulcus(CS).Methods: Thirty healthy adult brain sagittal-sectional MRI data were imported into efilm workstation in the form of Dicom 3.0,and the lateral median sagittal planes of every two hemispheres were selected.The presence of the PCS and the continuity of the CS were observed.Results: The presence of the PCS:the left hemisphere was 56.67%,the right was 26.67%.The presence of continuous cingulate sulcus:the left was 63.33% when no PCS,and 88.24% when there was PCS;The right was 50% when no PCS,and 71.43% when there was PCS.Conclusions: The results reveal a striking hemispheric asymmetry in the presence of paracingulate sulcus and considerable variability in the above morphological features.


