
    Analysis of diabetes incidence characteristics in Nanjing relocation residents

    • 摘要: 目的:调查分析南京铁心桥社区拆迁户居民糖尿病发病特点。方法:南京市糖尿病防治中心与雨花台区疾控中心及铁心桥社区卫生服务中心合作,通过张贴宣传海报、居委会通知等方式招募南京地区因房屋拆迁或农田占用而搬迁至铁心桥社区既往无糖尿病史的人群,并填写表格记录人口学及病史资料,测量身高、体质量、腹围、腰围、血压及末梢血糖,凡空腹状态下末梢血糖5.0 mmol/L或随机末梢血糖7.0 mmol/L,嘱患者进一步行75 g糖耐量试验,测量0、30、120 min血糖水平。结果:调查共随机招募了540例参与者,无糖尿病史人群的糖尿病、糖耐量异常、空腹糖耐量受损患病率分别为6.85%、5.56%、3.15%;相关分析显示糖尿病的发生与居民收入、体质量指数、高血压病程、腰围、臀围、腰围/臀围值均无相关关系(P0.05)。结论:因拆迁而改变生活方式的居民糖尿病患病率可能较整体平均水平高,应加强此类人群糖尿病的筛查。


      Abstract: Objective: To investigate and analyze the characteristics of diabetes incidence in relocation residents in Tiexinqiao community of Nanjing.Methods: The Nanjing diabetes center was cooperated with center for disease control in Yuhuatai and community health service center of Tiexinqiao.Through showbill,notice and other ways,the study recruited the people who were relocated in Tiexinqiao community from Nanjing other areas with decommissioned houses or cropland occupation.These people were not diagnosed as diabetes.Demography and history data were recorded.Height,weight,abdominal circumference,waistline,blood pressure and blood glucose level were tested.These people whose fast blood glucose 5.0 mmol / L or random blood glucose 7.0mmol / L were suggested to do 75 g oral glucose tolerance test,and blood glucose level at 0,30,120 min were measured.Results: Five hundred and forty participants were randomly recruited.The incidence of diabetes,impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fast glucose tolerance were 6.85%,5.56% and 3.15% respectively in these people who had no history of diabetes.The correlation analysis indicated that income,body mass index,durations of hypertension,waistline,hip circumference and waistline / hip circumference value were no correlated with the incidence of diabetes(P 0.05).Conclusions: The diabetes incidence of relocated residents is higher than general level,the diabetes screening should be strengthen in these people.


