年娣, 孙俊杰, 时鹏. 99Tcm-黄体生成素释放激素在荷人乳腺癌裸鼠体内的生物学分布[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(10): 1238-1240.
    引用本文: 年娣, 孙俊杰, 时鹏. 99Tcm-黄体生成素释放激素在荷人乳腺癌裸鼠体内的生物学分布[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(10): 1238-1240.
    NIAN Di, SUN Jun-jie, SHI Peng. Biological distribution of 99Tcm-luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone in nude mice bearing human breast cancer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(10): 1238-1240.
    Citation: NIAN Di, SUN Jun-jie, SHI Peng. Biological distribution of 99Tcm-luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone in nude mice bearing human breast cancer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(10): 1238-1240.


    Biological distribution of 99Tcm-luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone in nude mice bearing human breast cancer

    • 摘要: 目的:研究99Tcm-黄体生成素释放激素(99Tcm-LHrH)在荷人乳腺癌裸鼠体内的生物学分布,探讨LHrH用于肿瘤诊断和靶向治疗的价值。方法:直接标记法99Tcm标记LHrH;25只荷瘤鼠随机分成5组,每组5只;荷人乳腺癌SK-br3裸鼠尾静脉注射99Tcm-LHrH后断头处死小鼠,测定99Tcm-LHrH在各组荷瘤鼠体内的放射性分布,计算每克组织放射性占总注入放射性的百分比。结果:99Tcm-LHrH放化纯度95%,标志物稳定性好。荷瘤鼠注入99Tcm-LHrH后4 h,肿瘤/血液及肿瘤/肌肉的比值分别为12.891.67、36.815.64,99Tcm-LHrH主要分布于肿瘤、肝脏、血液,脑、肌肉等组织中放射性分布极低。结论:99Tcm-LHrH高特异地与人乳腺癌细胞结合,在乳腺癌显像和靶向治疗中有潜在的应用前景。


      Abstract: Objective: To study the biodistribution of 99Tcm-luteinzing hormone-releasing hormone (99 Tcm-LHrH) in nude mice bearing human breast cancer, and to evaluate the effect of cancer diagnosis and targeted radiotherapy with 99Tcm-LHrH in nude mice bearing human breast cancer. Methods: LHrH was directly radio labeled with 99Tcm . Twenty-five nude mice were randomly divided into five groups, five in each. Nude mice bearing SK-br3 breast cancer cells were injected with 99Tcm-LHrH by vein caudalis,and sacrificed. Detect the biodistribution of 99Tcm-LHrH and calculated per gram Organization percentage injected dose rate. results: The result showed that radiochemical purity of 99Tcm-LHrH was more than 95%. The ratios of tumor to blood and tumor to muscle were 12. 89 1. 67, and 36. 81 5. 64, respectively. The biodistribution experiment showed that 99Tcm-LHrH uptake by liver,blood, tumor site was higher than by muscle and brain. Conclusions: 99Tcm-LHrH has good specificity to human breast cancer cell. It may be used in the targeted diagnosis and therapy of breast cancer.


