
    The effects of different concentrations of Xiangdan injection on skin flap survival

    • 摘要: 目的: 探讨不同浓度香丹注射液对任意皮瓣成活长度的影响。方法: 将15只大白兔均分为A、B、C、D、E 5组,在兔背侧手术形成16 cm2 cm的超长皮瓣后原位回植,术后A、B、C、D组分别按4 mlkg-1d-1静脉推注6%、12%、24%、48%香丹注射液,E组静脉推注生理盐水作对照,2周时观察记录各组皮瓣成活长度,以及在各皮瓣相同位置的组织细胞状况。结果: B、C组皮瓣成活长度明显大于A、D、E组(P<0.01),而E组成活长度最短;镜下观察,B、C组均见大量纤维细胞增生修复,组织坏死少,A组纤维细胞增生少,组织坏死较多,而D、E组纤维细胞增生最少,组织坏死最多。结论: 应用12%~24%浓度的香丹注射液更有利于促进任意皮瓣成活。


      Abstract: Objective: To invstigate the effects of different concentrations of the Xiangdan injection on the survival length of skin flap.Methods: Fifteen rabbits were randomly divided into 5 groups(group A,B,C,D and E),which were made a 16 cm 2 cm skin flap at back of rabbit, then the skin flap was in situ transplanted.Group A,B,C and D were given Xiangdan injection of 4 mlkgP</i>-1P</i>dP</i>-1P</i>with the concentration of 6%, 12%, 24%, and 48% respectively after operation,while group E was given normal saline as control.The skin flap survival status were recorded and the pathological changes were observed by HE stain in two weeks after operation.Results: The length of skin flat survival of group B and C were longer than that of group A,D and E(P<0.01), and that of group E was the shortest.More fibrous proliferation and little tissue necrosis were found in group B and C, little fibrous proliferation and more tissue necrosis in group A and little fibrous proliferation and most tissue necrosis in group D and E under microscope.Conclusions: The 12%-24%concentrations of Xiangdan injection can improve the random skin flap survival.


