
    Effects of taurine on movement ability of mice

    • 摘要: 目的: 观察牛磺酸对小鼠运动能力的影响。方法: 用不同频率的电刺激小鼠坐骨神经,记录对照组与牛磺酸组在体腓肠肌收缩力,测定对照组与牛磺酸组小鼠游泳时间。以单脉冲方波刺激腓肠肌,描记曲线至收缩幅度为最大幅度的50%时定为疲劳。结果: 牛磺酸组与对照组相比,在体腓肠肌收缩力在刺激频率0.5~50 Hz时均增强,收缩疲劳时间、游泳耐力时间延长(P<0.05)。结论: 牛磺酸可增强小鼠运动能力。


      Abstract: Objective: To observe the effects of taurine on movement ability of mice.Methods: The huckle nerves of the mice were stimulated by electric current at different frequency.The contracting capacity of gastrocnemius and the swimming times of the two groups of mice were recorded.The gastrocnemius was stimulated by a fixed single pulse(2 Hz) and 50% of the maximum contracting amplitude was determined as fatigue.Results: The contracting ability of gastrocnemius of the taurine group increased,compared with the control group,and the time of fatigue and swimming endurance clearly extended(P<0.05).Conclusions: Taurine can strengthen mice's movement ability.


