
    Clinical significance of X-ray findings in diabetic foot

    • 摘要: 目的:探讨糖尿病足X线表现及其临床意义。方法:对50例糖尿病足患者的临床资料及X线表现进行回顾性分析。结果:50例糖尿病足患者中,X线表现为骨质疏松48例,骨质吸收破坏25例,骨关节面破坏23例,骨干对称性萎缩5例,夏科关节7例,骨髓密度改变4例及邻近软组织改变21例。结论:糖尿病足的X线表现有一定的特点,结合临床可以佐证糖尿病的诊断,对判断病变的发展状况、严重程度和指导临床治疗具有重要的意义。


      Abstract: Objective:To investigate X-ray findings and its clinical value of diabetic foot.Methods:X-ray findings and clinical data of 50 patients with diabetic foot were analyzed retrospectively.Results:X-ray findings showed 48 cases with osteoporosis,25 cases with bone damage,23 cases with joint surface damage,5 cases with backbone of the symmetry of atrophy,7 cases with Charcot's joint,4 cases with increased density of bone marrow and 21 cases with adjacent soft tissue changes.Conclusions:There are some special characteristics of diabetic foot on the X-ray findings,which have the very important significance for the diabetes diagnosis,disease evaluation and guide for clinical treatment combined with clinical behaviors.


