Survey on the mental health of freshmen and the countermeasures
摘要: 目的:调查分析大学新生的心理健康状况,为高校的心理健康教育工作提供依据。方法:采用大学生人格健康调查表(UPI)网上测评系统对3 775名大学一年级学生进行测查并分类。结果:第一类(有心理问题)学生240名;选择率最高的前5题是第14、52、58、9、22题,有自杀意念者37名;男大学生的UPI得分显著低于女大学生;需进行心理咨询(A类)学生54名,其中有严重心理问题者3名,一般心理问题者43名,心理健康者8名。结论:大多数新生心理是健康的;有心理问题的学生主要存在抑郁、强迫、自卑、焦虑等负性情绪;女大学生的心理健康状况需引起特别关注;大学新生迫切需要解决成长和发展中的心理困惑。Abstract: Objective:To research into the mental health of freshmen,so as to provide basis for the psychological education.Methods:A total of 3 775 freshmen were questionaired by university personality inventory (UPI).Results:Two hundred and forty students were classified as level one;the item 14,52,58,9 and 22 acquired the highest selectance;37 students had suicide idea.The UPI score in male students was significantly lower than that in female.Among the 54 students of level A,3 demonstrated serious psychological problems,43 common psychological problems and 8 were in healthy state.Conclusions:The majority of freshmen present healthy psychology.The negative emotions include depression,obsession,inferiority and anxiety,and the female students require special attention.The freshmen are in urgent need of psychological guidance.