
    Research on teaching reform of the course: “child and adolescent health”

    • 摘要: 目的:探讨从教师教得如何这一角度转变为学生学得如何的角度上来,把学生的学习放在首位。方法:鼓励学生参与科技创新;改革传统的教学手段,把原来相对独立的操作技能实验整合到《预防医学实验教程》中,增加了综合实验教学内容。结果:通过吸收学生参与科研及实验教学的改革,逐渐提高了学生的创新意识及综合实验能力;实现师生互动,有效地调动学生的学习积极性。结论:师生互动、学生参与科技创新及实验整合对教学是具有促进作用的。


      Abstract: Objective: To transfer the lecture from teacher-oriented to student-oriented,focusing on students' performance.Methods: Students were encouraged to participate in the scientific innovation;conventional teaching methods were reformed and operational skills integrated with Experimental Course of Preventive Medicine.Results: Students' innovation and research abilities were greatly elevated,and they were more active by interacting with teachers.Conclusions: Teachers and students' interaction,students participation in scientific innovation and experimental integration are beneficial to teaching practice.


