
    Causes of flap necrosis after expander auricle reconstruction

    • 摘要: 目的: 分析采用扩张法行耳廓再造二期术后皮瓣坏死的原因。方法: 采用皮肤软组织扩张结合自体肋软骨支架移植进行耳廓再造,先后有4例出现再造耳廓皮瓣全部或部分坏死,对其原因进行分析。结果: 皮瓣呈干性坏死是动脉供血不足所致,手术中皮瓣设计方法和操作不当是造成皮瓣坏死的主要原因。结论: 针对皮瓣坏死的原因,改进手术方法,重新制定手术计划,避免类似情况的发生。


      Abstract: Objective: To investigate the causes of flap necrosis after the secondary operation for auricle reconstruction. Methods: Auricle reconstruction was performed using soft tissue skin expander and autogenous rib cartilage framework. All or part of the auricle flap necrosis occurred in four patients in the early stages. The causes of the necrosis were analyzed in-depth. Results: Flap necrosis was dry, and caused by arterial insufficiency. The necrosis was mainly caused by improper design and operation. Conclusions: The operation method is modified based on the causes of flap necrosis and the occurrence of similar situations is avoided.


