沈龙山, 陈刘成, 王震寰, 李成, 曹承亮, 张顺花, 张艳, 张磊. 头颅MRI立体定位坐标系及中央沟定位图谱的构建[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2019, 44(8): 993-997. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2019.08.004
    引用本文: 沈龙山, 陈刘成, 王震寰, 李成, 曹承亮, 张顺花, 张艳, 张磊. 头颅MRI立体定位坐标系及中央沟定位图谱的构建[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2019, 44(8): 993-997. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2019.08.004
    SHEN Long-shan, CHEN Liu-cheng, WANG Zhen-huan, LI Cheng, CAO Cheng-liang, ZHANG Shun-hua, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Lei. Study on MRI stereotactic coordinate system of head and localization map of central sulcus[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2019, 44(8): 993-997. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2019.08.004
    Citation: SHEN Long-shan, CHEN Liu-cheng, WANG Zhen-huan, LI Cheng, CAO Cheng-liang, ZHANG Shun-hua, ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Lei. Study on MRI stereotactic coordinate system of head and localization map of central sulcus[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2019, 44(8): 993-997. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2019.08.004


    Study on MRI stereotactic coordinate system of head and localization map of central sulcus

    • 摘要:
      方法31例头颅连续MRI断层扫描数据,以Dicom 3.0格式导入eFlim 2.1工作站并以JPG格式导出,后者再导入Photoshop软件。分别通过图像大小校正、图像旋转、坐标轴平移等步骤使系统坐标原点与大脑原点重合、系统Y轴与大脑连合间线重合,建立标准坐标系。通过软件坐标直接读取功能获得断层上XY坐标值。Z值由所在层面距离双连合层面层数及层厚乘积决定。选取前连合后缘中点、后连合前缘中点的坐标值、两点距离等作为验证,在建立的立体定位坐标系中,计算连合间径长度并与eFilm软件直接测量结果对照。


      ObjectiveTo study the stereotactic localization method based on standard head MRI, and verify the localization accuracy.
      MethodsThe continuous head MRI scan data with Dicom 3.0 format of 31 cases were imported into eFlim 2.1 workstation, exported as JPEG format, then imported into Photoshop.The standard coordinate system was established by image size correction, image rotation and coordinate axis translation to make the system coordinate origin coinciding with brain origin point, and system Y-axis coincide with the intersynaptic wiring of brain.The coordinate values(X, Y) of the fault were obtained through the coordinate direct reading function of software, and the Z value was determined by product of the number of layers and thickness beyween two connected layers.During establishing stereotactic coordinate system, the coordinate value of the midpoint of posterior margin of anterior commissure, midpoint of leading edge of the posterior commissure, and distance between two points were used to calculate the length of interstitial diameter, which was compared with eFilm software direct measuring.
      ResultsThe accurate three-dimensional stereotactic localization could be established using continuous MRI scan data in 31 cases, and the localization map was formulated.The interstitial diameter length detected by two methods was the same.
      ConclusionsThe stereotactic localization method based on standard MRI can be used in studying the rolandic fissure.


