梅娟, 姚利利. 安徽省蚌埠地区某医院妇科病人HPV感染及亚型分布[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2021, 46(2): 228-231. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.02.024
    引用本文: 梅娟, 姚利利. 安徽省蚌埠地区某医院妇科病人HPV感染及亚型分布[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2021, 46(2): 228-231. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.02.024
    MEI Juan, YAO Li-li. Investigation of the human papilloma virus infection and genotype distribution of gynecological patients in a hospital of Bengbu, Anhui province[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2021, 46(2): 228-231. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.02.024
    Citation: MEI Juan, YAO Li-li. Investigation of the human papilloma virus infection and genotype distribution of gynecological patients in a hospital of Bengbu, Anhui province[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2021, 46(2): 228-231. DOI: 10.13898/j.cnki.issn.1000-2200.2021.02.024


    Investigation of the human papilloma virus infection and genotype distribution of gynecological patients in a hospital of Bengbu, Anhui province

    • 摘要:
      方法收集2016-2017年在蚌埠医学院第二附属医院接受HPV检测的4 773例妇科病人为研究对象,采用PCR反向点杂交技术,进行23种HPV亚型的基因分型检测。
      结果共检查HPV阳性标本1 069例(高危型943例,低危型88例,高低危混合亚型38例),感染率为22.40%;其中,单一亚型感染868例,占81.20%, 多重感染201例,占18.80%;前五位高危亚型分别为HPV16型(280例)、HPV52型(198例)、HPV58型(109例)、HPV33型(84例)、HPV56型(81例),其阳性率分别为26.19%、18.52%、10.20%、7.86%、7.58%。各年龄组感染率差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01),其中≥55岁组感染率为31.96%最高, < 25岁组为25.41%、25~岁组为20.62%、35~岁组为21.76%,45~岁组为21.55%。


      ObjectiveTo investigate the infection and genotype distribution of human papilloma virus(HPV)in female cervical exfoliative cells in gynecological patients in a hospital of Bengbu, Anhui province.
      MethodsThe cervical exfoliated cells from 4 773 gynecological patients in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from 2016 to 2017 were collected.Twenty-three HPV subtypes were examined using PCR reverse dotblot hybridization technique.
      ResultsAmong the 4 773 samples, 1 069 HPV positive cases were detected(including 943 cases of high-risk HPV, 88 cases of low-risk HPV, and 38 cases of high-low risk HPV), and the total infection rate of HPV was 22.40%.Among these positive samples, the single-subtype infection rate was 81.20%(868 cases), and the multiple-subtype infection rate was 18.80%(201 cases).HPV16(280 cases, 26.19%), HPV52(198 cases, 18.52%), HPV58(109 cases, 10.20%), HPV33(84 cases, 7.86%)and HPV56(81 cases, 7.58%)were the top five high-risk subtypes.The differences of the infection rates among different age groups were statistically significant(P < 0.01).The infection rates in age≥55 group, age < 25 group, 35>age≥25 group, 45>age≥35 group and 55>age≥45 group were 31.96%, 25.41%, 20.62%, 21.76% and 21.55%, respectively.
      ConclusionsThe single high-risk infection is the main type of HPV infection in gynecological patients, HPV16, HPV52 and HPV58 are the top three prevalent subtypes, and the HPV infection rate in female with age more than 55 years is higher.


