
    Expression and clinical significance of immune checkpoint molecules HHLA2 and PD-L1 in hepatocellular carcinoma

    • 摘要:
      目的考察免疫检查点人内源性逆转录病毒-H长端重复相关蛋白2(human endogenous retrovirus-H long terminal repeat-associating protein 2,HHLA2)和程序性死亡配体-1(programmed death ligand-1,PD-L1)在肝细胞癌组织中的表达,分析两者之间表达的相关性及与临床病理特征和临床预后关系。
      结果在肝癌组织中,HHLA2阳性表达率(49/90,54.4%)高于癌旁组织(33/90,36.7%),但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);PD-L1阳性表达率(52/90,57.7%)较癌旁组织(44/90,48.9%)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。HHLA2与PD-L1表达在肝癌组织中呈正相关关系(r=0.280,P < 0.05)。HHLA2在肝癌组织中的表达与肝癌病人年龄、性别、病理分级、血清AFP水平、血管侵犯无关,与临床分期、慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染有关(P < 0.05)。PD-L1的表达与肝癌病人年龄、性别、血清AFP水平、血管侵犯、慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染无关,与临床分期和病理分级有关(P < 0.05)。HHLA2与PD-L1阳性表达的肝癌病人中位OS同阴性表达病人比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。


      ObjectiveTo explore the expression levels of immune checkpoint molecules human endogenous retrovirus-H long terminal repeat-associating protein 2(HHLA2) and programmed death ligand-1(PD-L1) in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) tissues, and analyze the correlation between HHLA2 and PD-L1 expression, and relationship between HHLA2 and PD-L1 expression, and clinicalpathological characteristics and prognosis.
      MethodsThe expression levels of HHLA2 and PD-L1 in 90 human HCC tissues and corresponding adjacent tissues were detected using immunohistochemical staining.The correlation between the expression of HHLA2 and PD-L1 in HCC tissues was assessed.The relationship between the expression levels of HHLA2 and PD-L1, and clinical stage, serum α-fetoprotein(AFP) level, pathological grade, chronic hepatitis B virus infection, vascular invasion and over survival time(OS) were analyzed.
      ResultsThe positive rates of HHLA2 in HCC tissues and adjacent tissues were 54.4% and 36.7%, respectively, and the difference of which was not statistically significant(P>0.05).The positive rates of PD-L1 in HCC tissues and adjacent tissues were 57.7% and 48.9%, respectively, and the difference of which was not statistically significant(P>0.05).The HHLA2 expression in HCC tissues was positively correlated with PD-L1 expression(r=0.280, P < 0.05).The expression of HHLA2 in HCC tissues was not related to the age, sex, pathological grade, serum AFP level and vascular invasion, but related to the clinical stage and chronic hepatitis B virus infection(P < 0.05).The expression of PD-L1 in patients with HCC was not associated with the age, sex, serum AFP level, vascular invasion and chronic hepatitis B virus infection, but associated with the clinical stage and pathological grade(P < 0.05).There was no statistical significance in OS between positive and negative HHLA2 and PD-L1 expression HCC patients(P>0.05).
      ConclusionsThe expression levels of immune checkpoint molecules HHLA2 and PD-L1 in HCC tissues are on an upward trend, the expression of the two is positively correlated, and the expressions of HHLA2 and PD-L1 are not related to the prognosis of HCC patients.HHLA2, as a new immune checkpoint molecule, may be a potential therapeutic target for advanced liver cancer in the future, which still needs to be further studied.


