朱学清, 武凡, 贾若倩. KX-21型与ACT diff2型血细胞分析仪的比对分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2014, 38(5): 655-656.
    引用本文: 朱学清, 武凡, 贾若倩. KX-21型与ACT diff2型血细胞分析仪的比对分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2014, 38(5): 655-656.
    Zhu Xueqing, Wufan, Jia Ruoqian. Analysis of KX-21 type and ACT type diff2 blood cell analyzer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2014, 38(5): 655-656.
    Citation: Zhu Xueqing, Wufan, Jia Ruoqian. Analysis of KX-21 type and ACT type diff2 blood cell analyzer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2014, 38(5): 655-656.

    KX-21型与ACT diff2型血细胞分析仪的比对分析

    Analysis of KX-21 type and ACT type diff2 blood cell analyzer

    • 摘要: 目的:比对新购进的血细胞分析仪所测结果的准确性。方法:以ACT diff2型为对照仪器(因其每年参加安徽省室间质评结果均为优秀),对新购进的Sysmex KX-21型试验仪器的结果准确性进行分析。按照EP9A-2文件的步骤,取患者新鲜血40份(含正常值与异常值结果)先后在两台仪器上测定,2 h内测完所有标本。每天用8份血标本,每台仪器测定2次,按1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1顺序测定,共测5 d。记录白细胞、红细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞比容、血小板5个参数的检测结果。结果:试验仪器的5个参数检测结果与对照仪器相关性良好(r均0.975),试验仪器的各项目医学决定水平处相对偏差均小于临床实验室修正法规允许误差的1/2标准。结论:新购仪器的检测结果与对照仪器的检测结果之间均有可比性,其检测结果准确可靠,可用于临床血细胞的检测。


      Abstract: Objective: the accuracy ofblood cell analyzer on the results of the new purchase.Method: to ACT diff2 as the control instrument (because of their participating in the annual Anhui province EQA results were excellent), the analysis of Sysmex KX-21 type test instrument to buy a new result accuracy. According to EP9A-2 files steps, with fresh blood 40 (including normal and abnormal results) in the two instruments were measured, 2 h all the samples. 8 blood samples every day, each instrument measured 2 times, were measured by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sequence, measuring a total of 5 d. Records of the results of detection of platelet leukocyte, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit, 5 parameters.Results: 5 the inspection results of the parameters of test instrument and control instrument good correlation (r 0.975), test instrument each project at medical decision level relative deviation is less than the clinical laboratory modified regulations allowed error of 1/2 standard.Conclusion:as a new test results between test results for instrument and control instrument are comparable, the detection result is accurate and reliable, and can be used for clinical detection of blood cells.


