徐泉, 王金萍, 王宁新. 宫外孕50例超声检查及临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2007, 32(5): 607-608.
    引用本文: 徐泉, 王金萍, 王宁新. 宫外孕50例超声检查及临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2007, 32(5): 607-608.
    XU Quan, WANG Jin-ping, WANG Ning-xin. Sonography and clinical analysis for ectopic pregnancy in 50 patients[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2007, 32(5): 607-608.
    Citation: XU Quan, WANG Jin-ping, WANG Ning-xin. Sonography and clinical analysis for ectopic pregnancy in 50 patients[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2007, 32(5): 607-608.


    Sonography and clinical analysis for ectopic pregnancy in 50 patients

    • 摘要: 目的: 提高宫外孕的B超诊断及鉴别诊断水平。方法: 经腹超声(TAS)和经阴道超声(TVS)检查观察子宫腔和子宫两侧附件区声像图特征,并结合临床进行综合分析。结果: 50例经手术及病理证实为输卵管妊娠41例,腹腔妊娠1例,宫角妊娠1例,误诊7例。结论: B超对宫外孕的早期诊断及鉴别诊断有重要的应用价值。


      Abstract: Objective: To improve diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the ectopic pregnancy. Methods: The uterus and paramerium were examined by trans-abdomen sonography and transvaginal sonography. The analysis was conducted with clinical data. Results: Forty-one of 50 patients were diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy, including one with belly cavity gestation, one with cornual pregnancy and 7 with misdiagnosis. The diagnosis for these patients was confirmed by operation and pathology. Conclusions: Ultrasonic plays an important role in the early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.


