张兰玲, 叶国柳, 王震芳. 产科急诊子宫切除16例临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2010, 35(11): 1112-1113.
    引用本文: 张兰玲, 叶国柳, 王震芳. 产科急诊子宫切除16例临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2010, 35(11): 1112-1113.
    ZHANG Lan-ling, YE Guo-liu, WANG Zhen-fang. Clinical analysis of 16 cases of emergency obstetric hysterectomy[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2010, 35(11): 1112-1113.
    Citation: ZHANG Lan-ling, YE Guo-liu, WANG Zhen-fang. Clinical analysis of 16 cases of emergency obstetric hysterectomy[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2010, 35(11): 1112-1113.


    Clinical analysis of 16 cases of emergency obstetric hysterectomy

    • 摘要: 目的:分析产科子宫切除的原因,探讨降低产科子宫切除的可能性。方法:回顾分析16例临床资料,其中,全子宫切除11例,行次全子宫切除术5例。结果:术前及术中出血量400~6 550 ml。痊愈11例,3例发生切口血肿引流或二期缝合痊愈,围手术期死亡2例。结论:子宫切除术是治疗产科急性大出血、挽救产妇生命的有效措施之一。做好计划生育和孕产妇监护,积极防治产科合并症和并发症,提高基层产科医务人员技术水平,可以有效降低子宫切除发生率。


      Abstract: Objective:To analyze the causes of obstetric hysterectomy and explore how to reduce the possibility of obstetric hysterectomy.Methods:The clinical data of sixteen cases of obstetric hysterectomy were analyzed retrospectively.Eleven cases were operated with total hysterectomy and 5 cases with subtotal hysterectomy.Results:The blood loss before and during operative period was 400-6 550 ml,eleven cases were recovered from illness,3 cases had a wound hematoma drainage or second sutures healing.Two cases were died.Conclusions:Obstetric hysterectomy is one of effective treatments for acute bleeding parturient woman.It may effectively reduce the incidence of obstetric hysterectomy to keep up the birth control and pregnant woman guardianship,prevent and control obstetrics complications positively,and raise personnel technical level of the medical worker in the basic obstetrics department.


