贺晨婕, 王秀玲. 超声内镜诊断胃内隆起性病变的价值[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(3): 273-275.
    引用本文: 贺晨婕, 王秀玲. 超声内镜诊断胃内隆起性病变的价值[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(3): 273-275.
    HE Chen-jie, WANG Xiu-ling. Endoscopic ultrasonography for diagnosis of eminence lesion of the stomach[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(3): 273-275.
    Citation: HE Chen-jie, WANG Xiu-ling. Endoscopic ultrasonography for diagnosis of eminence lesion of the stomach[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(3): 273-275.


    Endoscopic ultrasonography for diagnosis of eminence lesion of the stomach

    • 摘要: 目的:评估超声内镜在胃内隆起性病变诊断中的应用价值。方法:186例经胃镜检查发现的胃内隆起性病变,行超声内镜及超声小探头检查,除45例为正常脏器外压、5例黏膜下血管瘤、7例静脉曲张而进行随访观察外,其余均经手术或活检获取病理确诊,将2种方法诊断结果与病理结果进行比较。结果:胃黏膜下肿瘤104例,以间质瘤居多;胃非肿瘤性病变82例,以壁外压迫居多;对胃黏膜下隆起性病变的总诊断符合率超声内镜为93.0%,明显高于胃镜的74.2%(P0.01)。结论:超声内镜可显示消化道管壁的层次结构和壁外情况,有利于胃内隆起性病变的诊断和鉴别诊断。


      Abstract: Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value of endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS) in eminence lesion of the stomach.Methods:EUS and mini-probe sonography were performed in 186 patients with eminence lesion of the stomach which had been detected by the gastroscopy.Excepting for 45 cases of protuberance from outside organs,5 cases of sub-mucous hemartoma and 7 cases of varicosity,all the cases were confirmed by surgical operation or biopsy.The pathological and diagnostic results by the two methods were compared.Results:One hundred and four cases had sub-mucous tumors,most of which were gastric stromal tumors,and 82 nontumorous lesions,most of which were protuberance from outside organs.The diagnose accordance rate was 93.0% by EUS and 74.2% by endoscopy.The difference was significant(P0.01).Conclusions:EUS can display the layers of the digestive tract wall and the lesions outside the wall,which is of great help for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of eminence lesion of the stomach.


