姜盛, 李建名, 张星, 吴炜, 杨雪萍. 吉林、兰州地区婴幼儿人星状病毒腹泻的分子流行病学研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(5): 607-609.
    引用本文: 姜盛, 李建名, 张星, 吴炜, 杨雪萍. 吉林、兰州地区婴幼儿人星状病毒腹泻的分子流行病学研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(5): 607-609.
    JIANG Sheng, LI Jian-ming, ZHANG Xing, WU Wei, YANG Xue-ping. Molecular epidemiology of astrovirus diarrhea in infants from Jilin and Lanzhou[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(5): 607-609.
    Citation: JIANG Sheng, LI Jian-ming, ZHANG Xing, WU Wei, YANG Xue-ping. Molecular epidemiology of astrovirus diarrhea in infants from Jilin and Lanzhou[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(5): 607-609.


    Molecular epidemiology of astrovirus diarrhea in infants from Jilin and Lanzhou

    • 摘要: 目的:研究吉林、兰州地区婴幼儿人星状病毒(HAstV)腹泻流行情况和分子特征。方法:对吉林地区417份和兰州地区290份腹泻标本采用one-step PCR方法检测HAstV,用HAstV基因组ORF1b区部分核苷酸片段初筛,再用ORF2区部分核苷酸序列分型。结果:707份腹泻标本中共检出HAstV阳性17例,总阳性率为2.4%,其中吉林地区和兰州地区分别检出7例和10例。12份HAstV ORF2区阳性的样本均为HAstV 1型,除1株属于Lineage 1a群,其他均属于Lineage 1b群。HAstV主要感染2岁以下婴幼儿,在吉林春季为主要流行季节,而在兰州春季和秋季为主要流行季节。结论:HAstV是引起婴幼儿病毒性腹泻的主要病原之一,HAstV 1型是主要的流行株,2岁以下为感染发病的高危人群,不同地区HAstV流行季节不同。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the prevalence status and molecular features of astrovirus diarrhea in infants from Jilin and Lanzhou.Methods: The astrovirus expressions in 417 diarrhea specimens from Jinlin and 290 specimens from Lanzhou were detected by one-step PCR.Partial nucleotide fragments in ORF1b region of astrovirus genome were screened,which were somatotypedbg using partial ORF2 sequences.Results: Seventeen postive astrovirus cases in 707 diarrhea specimens,which included 7 cases from Jilin and 10 cases from Lanzhou were detected,the total postive rate was 2.4%.The postive ORF2 specimens in 12 cases were HAstV 1,which belonged to Lineage 1b cluster except 1 Lineage 1a cluster.The HAstV infection mainly distributed in infants less than 2 years,the main morbidity season in Jinlin and Lanzhou were Spring and Autumn,respectively.Conclusions: Astrovirus is the main pathogen of virus diarrhea in infants,HAstV 1 is common serotype,children less than two years old are high-risk group and main morbidity season is difference in different areas.


