刘云龙, 汪勇, 聂保忠, 马宁, 刘虎. 光棒引导经鼻气管插管的临床应用[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2012, 36(10): 1205-1206.
    引用本文: 刘云龙, 汪勇, 聂保忠, 马宁, 刘虎. 光棒引导经鼻气管插管的临床应用[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2012, 36(10): 1205-1206.
    LIU Yun-long, WANG Yong, NIE Bao-zhong, MA Ning, LIU Hu. Clinical study on nasal trachea cannula guided by light wand[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2012, 36(10): 1205-1206.
    Citation: LIU Yun-long, WANG Yong, NIE Bao-zhong, MA Ning, LIU Hu. Clinical study on nasal trachea cannula guided by light wand[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2012, 36(10): 1205-1206.


    Clinical study on nasal trachea cannula guided by light wand

    • 摘要: 目的:探讨光棒引导经鼻气管插管在ICU危重患者中的应用价值和意义。方法:金属导丝前端接一发光灯泡,后端接电池制作一光棒。将气管导管套在光棒上,沿鼻腔缓慢插入,以颈前环甲膜处光亮点为导引,插入气管,取出光棒,气囊充气。结果:68例患者在25~60 s内顺利插管到位,患者均达到通畅呼吸道进行人工通气目的以及长时间置管的要求,无特殊并发症发生,耐受及安全性能良好。结论:采用光棒引导经鼻气管插管能快速、简便、安全地建立人工气道,成功率高,具有重要的临床应用价值。


      Abstract: Objective: To explore the application value of nasal tracheal cannula guided by light wand in critical patients in ICU. Methods: The front of metal wire was equipmented with a light-emitting light bulbs,batteries were produced after the termination of a light wand. Endotracheal tube will be set in light stick along slowly, and inserted into the nasal cavity to anterior cricothyroid membrane with ray bright spot for the seeker, then insert the trachea, remove the light stick, inflate airbags. Results: The smooth tubs were in place in 25-60 seconds in 68 cases, all patients were carried out to achieve prominent respiratory purpose of artificial ventilation,had a good tolerance and safety performance, as well as the requirements of a long time inserted tube with no special complications. Conclusions: Light wand guided nasal intubation can be fast, simple and safe to create artificial airway, the success rate is high, it has an important clinical value.


