秦玉侠, 罗井书, 孙长红. 10d序贯和标准三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌疗效比较[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(9): 1144-1146.
    引用本文: 秦玉侠, 罗井书, 孙长红. 10d序贯和标准三联疗法根除幽门螺杆菌疗效比较[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2013, 37(9): 1144-1146.
    QIN Yu-xia, LUO Jing-shu, SUN Chang-hong. The effect comparison of 10 d sequential and standard triple therapy in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(9): 1144-1146.
    Citation: QIN Yu-xia, LUO Jing-shu, SUN Chang-hong. The effect comparison of 10 d sequential and standard triple therapy in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2013, 37(9): 1144-1146.


    The effect comparison of 10 d sequential and standard triple therapy in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori

    • 摘要: 目的:比较10 d序贯疗法与10 d三联标准疗法根除幽门螺杆菌(Hp)疗效。方法:将92例经胃镜检查确诊为慢性胃炎或消化性溃疡且Hp阳性患者随机分为2组,对照组为标准三联疗法,埃索美拉唑20 mg、阿莫西林1 000 mg和克拉霉素500mg,每天2次,治疗10 d;治疗组为序贯疗法,应用埃索美拉唑20 mg、阿莫西林1 000 mg治疗5 d,随后以埃索美拉唑20 mg、克拉霉素500 mg和替硝唑500 mg治疗后续5 d。结果:治疗组和对照组按完成随访病例分析Hp根除率,分别为92.00%和76.31%,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。症状缓解率及不良反应发生率差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:序贯治疗能获得较高的Hp根除率,且经济、安全,是一种可供选择的一线治疗方案。


      Abstract: ObjectiveTo compare the effects of 10d sequential and standard triple therapy in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori ( Hp) . Methods: Ninty-two cases with chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer and positive Hp diagnosed by endoscopy were randomly divided into treatment group and control group.The control group were standard triple therapy( including 20 mg of esomeprazole,1 000 mg of amoxicillin and 500 mg of clarithromycin twice a day for 10 days.The treatment group were treated with sequential therapy( including 20 mg of esomeprazole,1 000 mg of amoxicillin for 5 days, followed by 20 mg of esomeprazole,500 mg of clarithromycin and 500 mg of tinidazole) for 5 days.Results: The eradication rates of Hp in treatment group and control group were 92.00% and 76.31% by following up, respectively, the difference of which was statistical significance( P 0.01) .The remission rate and incidence of adverse reactions between two groups were not statistical significance( P 0.05) . Conclusions: Sequential therapy can improve the eradication rate of Hp,which is economy, security and an alternative first-line treatment.


