方明, 张荣新, 朱金海. 食管癌术后胃瘫综合征23例临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2014, 38(3): 315-317.
    引用本文: 方明, 张荣新, 朱金海. 食管癌术后胃瘫综合征23例临床分析[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2014, 38(3): 315-317.
    FANG Ming, ZHANG Rongxin, ZHU Jinhai. The clinical analysis of postsurgical gastroplegia syndrome in 23 cases with esophageal cancer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2014, 38(3): 315-317.
    Citation: FANG Ming, ZHANG Rongxin, ZHU Jinhai. The clinical analysis of postsurgical gastroplegia syndrome in 23 cases with esophageal cancer[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2014, 38(3): 315-317.


    The clinical analysis of postsurgical gastroplegia syndrome in 23 cases with esophageal cancer

    • 摘要: 目的:探讨食管癌术后胃瘫综合征(PGS)的诊断和治疗。方法:对23例食管癌出现PGS患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:不同食管癌手术方式及吻合口位置PGS发生率差异均无统计学意义(P0.05),但不同残胃制作方法 PGS发生率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。23例患者经胃肠减压、营养支持、维持水、电解质酸碱代谢平衡、应用促进胃肠蠕动的药物、减轻胃壁水肿等治疗,18例3周内胃功能恢复,3例4周恢复,1例8周恢复,1例保守治疗3个月无好转后经胃-空肠吻合术治愈。结论:食管癌术后PGS的诊断主要依据临床表现及消化道X线造影、超声和胃镜等辅助检查,采取非手术治疗可取得满意疗效。


      Abstract: Objective:To explore the diagnosis and treatment of postsurgical gastroplegia syndrome(PGS) of esophageal cancer. Methods:The clinical data of PGS in 23 cases with esophageal cancer were retrospectively analyzed. Results:The mean disease time of gastroplegia syndrome was 7 to 9 months after operation,the main symptoms were epigastric pain,nausea and vomiting. All patients were diagnosed with PGS by upper gastrointestinal contrast,ultrasound and electronic gastroscope Twenty-three patients were treated with gastrointestinal decompression,nutritional support,maintaining water electrolyte metabolism balance,promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis and reducing stomach wall edema. The stomach function recovery of 18 cases,3 cases and 1 case were within 3 weeks,4 weeks and 8 weeks,respectively. One case cured by stomach-jejunum anastomosis when it was not improved by conservative treatment for 3 months. Conclusions:The main diagnosis basis of PGS are its symptoms and the resuts of upper gastrointestinal contrast, ultrasound and electronic gastroscope. The effects of nonoperative treatment on gastroplegia syndrome are good.


