谢晖, 陈刚, 孙雪芹, 叶红. 护理本科新生心理健康状况调查[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2006, 31(3): 304-306.
    引用本文: 谢晖, 陈刚, 孙雪芹, 叶红. 护理本科新生心理健康状况调查[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2006, 31(3): 304-306.
    XIE Hui, CHEN Gang, SUN Xue-qin, YE Hong. Psyxhological health status among nursing university freshers[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2006, 31(3): 304-306.
    Citation: XIE Hui, CHEN Gang, SUN Xue-qin, YE Hong. Psyxhological health status among nursing university freshers[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2006, 31(3): 304-306.


    Psyxhological health status among nursing university freshers

    • 摘要: 目的: 调查我院护理本科新生的心理健康状况,为学校制定学生教育管理政策提供参考资料。方法: 对2004级236名护理本科生用大学生人格问卷(UPI)进行测试。结果: 护理本科新生整体心理健康水平低于全国本科生UPI得分,第1类(具有明显心理问题)和第2类(轻度心理问题)的学生占63.56%,而且本科护理专业学生心理问题严重程度中间状态者居多。从选择频率最高的10题可看出,52.97%~70.76%的护理专业学生在认知方面存在过于敏感、缺乏自信的神经症状态;半数以上的护理专业学生具有神经衰弱的倾向或情绪消沉、不稳定的心理状况。性别及文理科对新生的心理健康状态无影响。结论: 护理专业学习功课重,学校心理健康教育环节薄弱以及家庭因素等是造成护理本科新生心理健康水平偏低的原因,学校可通过新生入学心理普查,开展多种形式、多种渠道的心理健康教育,对相关教师进行培训和积极拓展以第二课堂为特征的社会实践活动来加强对护理专业学生的心理健康教育。


      Abstract: Objective: To investigate the mental health status of nursing university freshmen.Methods: Using the University Personality Inventory(UPI),the author made the research on 236 nursing university students.Results: The general mental health status of nursing university freshmen,which the intermediate were in the major,was below the level of undergraduate in the nation.63.56% nursing freshmen have psychological problems,52.97%-70.76% nurse presenced sensitivity and lack of self-confidence in cognize,more than half of the students presented tendency of neurasthenia or depression,and instability.Gender and discipline of students had no effect on the mental health.Conclusions: Being freshmen,derivable mostly from country,heavy tasks,weakness of mental education in school and the family were the influential factors which caused the low level of nursing students.By means of inquisition for freshmen,multifarious mental health education,training the correlative teachers and developing social practice,the school could reinforce the mental health of university students.


