陈士文, 徐锦程, 赵莉, 王震寰, 陈传好. 翼腭窝区的应用解剖研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2011, 36(7): 687-689,692.
    引用本文: 陈士文, 徐锦程, 赵莉, 王震寰, 陈传好. 翼腭窝区的应用解剖研究[J]. 蚌埠医科大学学报, 2011, 36(7): 687-689,692.
    CHEN Shi-wen, XU Jin-cheng, ZHAO Li, WANG Zhen-huan, CHEN Chuan-hao. Applied anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2011, 36(7): 687-689,692.
    Citation: CHEN Shi-wen, XU Jin-cheng, ZHAO Li, WANG Zhen-huan, CHEN Chuan-hao. Applied anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa[J]. Journal of Bengbu Medical University, 2011, 36(7): 687-689,692.


    Applied anatomy of the pterygopalatine fossa

    • 摘要: 目的: 解剖翼腭窝结构,测量其内上颌动脉和上颌神经分支及其解剖学关系,为翼腭窝区手术提供解剖学基础。方法: 对40例(80侧)干性颅骨翼腭窝进行骨性标志的观察,并对20例(40侧)甲醛固定尸体的翼腭窝内的血管、神经进行解剖。选择上颌第二磨牙与牙槽嵴交点为基准点,分别测量圆孔外口外侧缘中点、蝶腭孔前缘中点、眶下沟起始点、翼管嵴、翼管、翼腭管距基准点的距离及动脉、神经分支处距基准点的距离和在窝内的形态。结果: 翼腭窝是一狭窄裂隙,多呈不规则的倒锥形。圆孔外口外侧缘中点、蝶腭孔前缘中点、眶下沟起始点、翼管嵴、翼管、翼腭管距基准点的距离分别为(48.47±2.63)、(41.07±3.25)、(39.91±1.84)、(47.54±2.66)、(44.48±1.92)和(30.70±1.45) mm;上颌神经主干、眶下神经、上牙槽神经、蝶腭神经起点至基准点分别为(50.34±3.46)、(36.39±2.65)、(34.72±2.77)、(37.43±3.12) mm;上颌动脉主干、上牙槽后动脉、眶下动脉、腭降动脉、蝶腭动脉起点至基准点分别为(32.91±2.74)、(26.36±1.67)、(30.96±2.02)、(31.24±2.49)、(30.50±2.38) mm。结论: 上颌第二磨牙与牙槽嵴交点可作为翼腭窝内寻找结构的重要标志,翼腭窝内的主要结构可以分为在后内的神经层和在前外的血管层,可为在临床翼腭窝区手术时避免损伤其内的血管神经提供解剖学依据。


      Abstract: Objective: To provide anatomiatic information for operation of pterygopalatine fossa by observing the anatomical structures of pterygopalatine fossa and measuring the anatomical relations of branches of its maxillary artery and nerve. Methods: Eighty pieces(40 examples) of dry skull and 40 pieces(20 examples) of corpses fixed with formalin were desected. The intersection point of the second permanent maxillary molar and alveolar ridge was used as control point. The lengths of the midate point of circular hole,the midate point of sphenopalatine foramen leading edge,the point of infraorbital groove start,gilled tube and canalis pterygopalatinusp from control point were measured. The length of maxillary artery and nerve branches from control point were also measured and observed. Results: Pterygopalatine fossa was a irregular inverted cone. The average lengths of the midate point of circular hole, the midate point of sphenopalatine foramen leading edge,the point of infraorbital groove start,gilled tube and canalis pterygopalatinusp from control point were (48.47 ±2.63),(41.07 ±3.25),(39.91 ±1.84),(47.54 ±2.66),(44.48 ±1.92) and (30.70 ±1.45) mm,respectively. The average lengths of maxillary nerve trunk,superior alveolar nerve,nervi pterygopalatini nerve and sphenopalatine nerve from control point were(50.34 ±3.46),(36.39 ±2.65),(34.72 ±2.77) and(37.43 ±3.12) mm respectively. The average lengths of maxillary artery trunk,posterior superior alveolar artery,infraorbital art,escending palatine artery,and sphenopalatine artery from control point were(32.91 ±2.74),(26.36 ±1.67),(30.96 ±2.02),(31.24 ±2.49) and(30.50 ±2.38) mm,respectively. Conclusions: The intersection point of the second permanent maxillary molar and alveolar ridge was a important mark for looking for the anatomy of pterygopalatine fossa,which could be divided into the nervous layer and vascular layer.


