Analysis of MRI in 18 cases with brain cysticercosis
Graphical Abstract
Objective:To analyze MRI diagnostic value in different period brain cysticercosis. Methods:The MRI appearance feature of 18 example brain cysticercosis in correspond brain cysticercosis diagnostic criteria were retrospectively analyzed. Results:According to MRI feature to take brain cysticercosis to divide three stage:bladder worm survival time(10 cases),scolex and capsule wall and hydatid fluid concomitance is characteristic,dot moderately signal inside round low signal in T1WI,capsular space shows high signal in T2WI;bladder worm denaturation time(5 cases),scolex vanishing and capsular space swollen and bladder surrounding appear oedema zone is characteristic,capsular space shows uneven low signal in T1WI;capsular space shows high signal in T2WI;bladder worm death time(3 cases),polypide death proceed calcify and fibering,equal signal or low signal in T1WI,small round low signal with sharply defined in T2WI; Conclusions:The MRI is an ideal method of diagnosis of every stage brain cysticercosis.MRI is able to reflect pathology process of brain cysticercosis,differential diagnosis and guide clinical therapy.