Application of NSE and 5-100 in diagnosing Hirschsprung's disease and its allied disorders
Graphical Abstract
To explore the values of neuronpecific enolase(NSE)and soluble-protein 100(S00)of the markers ofneuron and neuroglial in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease(HD)and Hirschsprung's disease allied disorders(HAD). Methods:The morphological and quantity change of the neuron and ganglion cells of surgical resection specimens from 45 cases with HD wereobserved by HE staining which were compared with normal tissues which located the margin of tumor. The expressions of NSE and S-100 of 21 cases with HAD were analysed by IHC. Results:The heterogeneous NSE immunoreactivities of gangliocytes in knot bowelwall plexus and the evenly distributing of nerve fiber in each layer of the bowel of the control group were observed. The S-00expression of ganglion cells body showed cell shape blank areaThe differentiation abnormalities bowel the postive NSEimmunoreactivities of gangliocytes in knot bowel wall plexus and few cell shape blank areaof S00 staining were foundConelusions:The diagnosis of HAD is mainly depended on its pathologic characteristic、The IHC staining of NSE and S00 combinedwith HE stain can improve the postive rates and provide the basis of the differential diagnosis of HD and HAD