Effects of different blood pressure levels on the arterial blood gas of rabbit with uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock during restrictive resuscitation
Graphical Abstract
Objective:To observe effects of different blood pressure levels on the arterial blood gas of rabbit with uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock during restrictive resuscitation and explore the ideal blood pressure levels for uncontrolling hemorrhagic shock.Methods:Model with uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock was established according to modifed Wigger's describtion.Twenty-four rabbits in the model were randomly divided into 4 groups(6 in each group),noresuscitation(NR) group as control,N50,N60 and N70 groups with maintaining mean arterial pressure(MAP) at 50,60 and 70 mmHg respectively.The arterial blood gas analysis(ABGA) including lactic acid,base excess,arterial oxygen tension,arterial carbon dioxide tension and potential of hydrogen were detected before shock and at 0,60,120,150,180 and 240 minutes after shock.Results:The data of ABGA of N60 group were better than those of other groups at all time-points.Conclusions:During restrictive resuscitation of the rabbits with unconrntrolled hemorrhagic shock,maintaining MAP at 60mmHg has little effect on their ABGA.The results suggest that MAP at 60 mmHg is suitable level for the restrictive resuscitation.