The sectional anatomical study of supeio tempoal sulucs based on MI
Graphical Abstract
Objective:To explore the morphology rule of cerebral superior temporal sulucs(STS) on the MRI cross section and the sagittal plane image of brain.Methods:In the eFilm2.1 workstation,29 normal adult volunteer head continuously MRI scanning data which will gain,uses the continuous tracking method and the 3D-Cursor technology,STS carries on the recognition,the observation to continuously on the MRI cross section and the sagittal plane image,to count its morphological character.Results:The STS may appear in Z =-36-48 mm on the sector MRI cross fault image(95% distributes in the Z =-30-42 mm stratification plane),and after the stratification plane uppers shift the sulci move backward.STS can be divided into anterior horizontal part and posterior ascending part in the sagittal plane.In the Z =-6-6 mm stratification plane STS can assume the big obtuse angle backward obviously the inflection point; STS may present the multi-ditch performance in the Z =-21-12 mm cross section(95% to distribute in the Z =-18-9 mm stratification plane).Conclusions:This article result may help STS fast recognition and around the ditch the important structure accurate localization.