Influence of ginsenosides on contractility of fatigued diaphragm in rats
Graphical Abstract
Objective: To study the effect of GS on fatigued diaphragm of rats.Methods: Twelve SD rats were divided into two groups at random.Fatigued group (n=6) were induced to fatigue by using a 10 min stimulation program consisting of 30 trains/min of five impulses each at 5 Hz(2 ms impulse duration at supramaximal voltage),and equilibrated for 30 min;GS group were induced to fatigue and perfused 160 mg/L GS solution for 30 min.In the end,Pt,P0,CT,1/2RT,+dT/dtmax,-dT/dtmax and force-frequency relation were measured.Results: Compared with control group,P0,+dT/dtmax,-dT/dtmax of GS group increased;CT,1/2RT of GS group was shorter than that of control group.Conclusions: GS can improve contractility of fatigued diaphragm.