Correction of blephraroptosis by direct suspension of frontalis-aponeurosis
Graphical Abstract
Objective: To introduce a new method of treating blepharoptosis.Methods: Thirty-six cases of blepharoptosis were corrected by direct suspension of the frontalis-aponeurosis.The frontalis-aponeurosis was isolated from the subcutis and a 1.5 cm incision was cut upper the margin of eyebrow.And through the incision,the frontalis-aponeurosis on the superficies of periosteam was dissected 1.5 cm to the upper margin of orbital and the superficiesaponeurosis was pulled down and fixed to the levator rnuscle-aponeurosis by mattress sutures,with the tension being adjusted to a moderate degree.Results: Thirty six cases of blepharoptosis were cured by primary hedling with this method.The patients were followed up for 6 to 12 months with satisfactory results and no recurrences.Conclusions: Compared with the traditional methods,this one may decrease the damage to the upper lid and frontalis area,leaving no risk of damaging the vessels or nerves.The technique is simple and the curative effect is affirmed.It is the first choice for treatment of blepharoptosis.