    Effect of maternal infection by staphylococcal enterotoxin B during pregnancy on the development of fetal thymus
    LIU Cong-sen, LIU Ting-ting, KONG Xiao-ming, ZHU Xiang, LIU Yong, MIN Hong-lin, GUAN Jun-chang
    2011, 36(6): 545-546,550.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of arsenic trioxide on expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and 9 in HL-60 cells
    YU Li, LI Yu-yun, HAO Yan-mei
    2011, 36(6): 547-550.
    Abstract PDF
    The effect of limb ischemic postconditioning on peroxidation of injury induced by cerebral ischemia-reperfusion
    ZHAO Jin, ZHAO Shi-di, HUANG Lei, JIANG Li-na, PAN Hui, ZHU Shi-gong
    2011, 36(6): 551-553.
    Abstract PDF
    Protective effect of compound Hugan decoction on ConA-induced liver injury in mice
    LUO Yu-xuan, HE Xiao-mei, QIU Qun-fang, YANG Jiang-jun, ZHU Fei
    2011, 36(6): 554-556.
    Abstract PDF
    Study of carotid intima-media thickness and vascular endothelial cell function in people with impaired fasting glucose
    JIN Guo-xi, BI Ya-xin, YU Lei, HU Xiao-lei, ZHOU Jing, ZHANG Shi-rong, WANG Lu
    2011, 36(6): 557-560.
    Abstract PDF
    Features of immunophenotype of acute myeloid leukemia and its clinical significance
    YANG Yan-li, GENG Ying-hua, LI Jia-jia, LI Jun, ZHANG Feng
    2011, 36(6): 561-563.
    Abstract PDF
    Protective effects of sufentanil preconditioning on myocardial injury induced by cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac valve replacement patients
    WEI Peng, GU Er-wei, LIANG Qi-sheng, CHEN Jian-wen, ZHANG Fan
    2011, 36(6): 564-567.
    Abstract PDF
    The efficacy of different kind of operations for the treatment of primary vulvar cancer and the relative prognostic factors
    WANG Wen-yan, LI Sheng-ze, LI Qun, SUN Rui, LI Yu-zhi, LI Yan-hua, MA Ling
    2011, 36(6): 568-570.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of suspension laryngoscopy in nosal endoscope surgery and euthyphoria surgery for treatment of vocal cord polyps
    CHEN Xin
    2011, 36(6): 571-573.
    Abstract PDF
    Active immunity treatment for recurrent spontaneous abortion:a curative effect analysis of 58 cases
    TANG Mei-ling, ZHANG Qi
    2011, 36(6): 573-574.
    Abstract PDF
    Diagnosis and treatment of hepatic trauma:a report of 31 cases
    LUO Xing-cheng
    2011, 36(6): 575-576.
    Abstract PDF
    Relationship between plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and diabetic foot
    LÜ Gao-you, ZHANG Shen-jie, GUO Feng-hong, LI Xi-guang
    2011, 36(6): 577-578,581.
    Abstract PDF
    Treatment with proximal femoral nail anti-rotation for multiple femoral fracture of proximal femur:an analysis of 21 cases
    LU Hai-jian, GU Xiao-hua, HONG Cao, SHENG Zhi-hao, HU Hong-kui
    2011, 36(6): 579-581.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of monosialotetrahexosylganglioside in treatment of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopath
    HU Li-na, ZHENG li-hua
    2011, 36(6): 582-584.
    Abstract PDF
    Pathological study of primary plasma cell neoplasms of the breast:a report of 2 cases
    FANG Ren-nian, DAI Yu-zhen, JIN Yong-hai, YI Guo-zheng
    2011, 36(6): 584-586.
    Abstract PDF
    Neurophysiological monitoring for preservation of facial nerve function in microsurgery for acoustic neuroma
    SU Jie, YAN Chang, CHEN Wei-qiang, YANG Guang
    2011, 36(6): 587-588,591.
    Abstract PDF
    Expectant treatment of early-onset severe preeclampsia
    WAN Yang, ZHANG Er-hong, ZHANG Ning-zhi
    2011, 36(6): 589-591.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of composite internal fixation in treating humeral condylar fracture
    WANG Liu-wu, FAN Xian-ming, LIU Wen-wu
    2011, 36(6): 592-593.
    Abstract PDF
    Upper respiratory stenosis surgery combining with continuous positive airway pressure for treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
    ZHAO Cui-ying, LIU Yong-gang, LIAN Jun-qin, ZOU Qi-rui, PENG Tan
    2011, 36(6): 594-595.
    Abstract PDF
    Clinical significance of anatomizing recurrent laryngeal nerve and its branches during thyroidectomy
    WANG Jun
    2011, 36(6): 596-597,599.
    Abstract PDF
    Plasmapheresis for treatment of severe hepatitis:a study of 58 cases of common complications
    QI Feng
    2011, 36(6): 598-599.
    Abstract PDF
    The effect of reduced glutathione on oxidative stress in diabetic ketoacidosis patients
    WU Xiu-ling, LI Xiang-rong
    2011, 36(6): 600-601,605.
    Abstract PDF
    Correlation between overweight,obesity and metabolic syndrome in adolescents
    XI Qian, XU Hua-shan, WU Zhi-hao, WANG Pei, ZHANG Yi, CUI Wei
    2011, 36(6): 602-605.
    Abstract PDF
    3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy combined with concurrent chemotherapy for esophageal cancer
    LIU Jing-jing, DUAN Shi-miao, CAI Han-fei, JIANG Hao
    2011, 36(6): 606-608.
    Abstract PDF
    Effect of nebulized budesonide combined with ambroxol in treatment of childhood acute laryngitis
    DENG Yan-sheng, WU Jie-bin, ZHENG Gang, HUANG Qi-ling
    2011, 36(6): 608-609.
    Abstract PDF
    Pemetrexed combined with cisplatin as first-line treatment for elderly patients with advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer:an analysis of 32 cases
    ZHENG Zhong-xian, JI Zhao-ning
    2011, 36(6): 610-611.
    Abstract PDF
    Different surgical procedures for hypospadia:a report of 48 cases
    WANG Sheng-li, YANG Da-qiang, ZHANG Duan-wei, SUN Yi-lun
    2011, 36(6): 612-614.
    Abstract PDF
    Placenta accreta on the postoperative scar after previous caesarean section in late pregnancy:an analysis of 9 cases
    SHEN Zhen, ZHOU Yuan-yuan, ZHAO Wei-dong, CHEN Ling
    2011, 36(6): 615-616,620.
    Abstract PDF
    Relevant factors for anal reservation in radical resection of ultra-low rectal carcinoma:a Logistic analysis
    ZHU Chang, PAN Kai, XIA Li-gang
    2011, 36(6): 617-620.
    Abstract PDF
    Roles of plasma brain natriuretic peptide in diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of patients with acute coronary syndrome
    CHEN Jun, XU Ren-xuan
    2011, 36(6): 621-624.
    Abstract PDF
    Correlation between nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and serum high-sensitivity C reactivity protein
    LI Jing-jing, LU Jiang-hui, CHEN Dong-mei, HU Qian
    2011, 36(6): 625-627.
    Abstract PDF
    Clinical analysis for 42 cases of pregnancy with thrombocytopenia
    TIAN Ling
    2011, 36(6): 627-629.
    Abstract PDF
    MRI diagnosis of Rathke's cleft cyst:a report of 17 cases
    XIAO An-ling, YIN Bo, LIU Li
    2011, 36(6): 640-642.
    Abstract PDF
    Ultrasonography diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma:a report of 57 cases
    FANG Kai-feng
    2011, 36(6): 643-644.
    Abstract PDF
    Radiographic diagnosis of lung frequent hemorrhoid in neonates
    FEI Wei-min, YIN Chuan-gao, ZHAO Zhen
    2011, 36(6): 645-646,649.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of the effect of problem-based learning in teaching pediatric cardiovascular system disease
    ZHAO Wu, DING Zhou-zhi
    2011, 36(6): 647-649.
    Abstract PDF
    Reform and effects observation of the physical diagnostics
    HU Jun-feng, LI Dian-ming, XU Er-qin, XIONG Yun-bo
    2011, 36(6): 650-652.
    Abstract PDF
    Surveys of teacher-oriented anxiety among college students
    HUANG Zhong-yan, TANG Qi-shou, LIU Jin-xiu, JIANG Yu-min, CHEN Shan
    2011, 36(6): 656-658.
    Abstract PDF
    The application of evidence-based nursing in the emergency gastric lavage
    CAO Yang, WANG Man, ZHANG Hong
    2011, 36(6): 659-661.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of fast track surgery theory in perioperative nursing care for patients with lung cancer
    SHANG Cui-yong, PAN Xu-li, SONG Li-ping, WANG Wan-xia
    2011, 36(6): 663-665.
    Abstract PDF