    Comparison of IFN- production in human peripheral blood T cell subpopulations stimulated by different antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    SHENG Ling-ling, XIA Hui, SUN Li, CHEN Yong, LI Bai-qing
    2014, 38(4): 426-428,432.
    The protective effect of punicosides on acute inflammation in murine
    WEI Fang, YIN Cheng-le, WU Gui-dong, ZHOU Bin, XU Rui-jie
    2014, 38(4): 429-432.
    Experimental study of 1integrin antisense oligodeonucleotide in combination with cisplatin for human ovarian carcinoma xenograft in nude mice
    MA Ling, TIAN Min
    2014, 38(4): 433-437.
    Clinical and liver histological analysis of chronic hepatitis B patients with alanine aminotransferase less than two-time upper limits of normal
    XU Kui-hua, ZHANG Li, CHEN Jia-sheng, LI Wei, SONG Wen-qing, CHENG Ze-nong
    2014, 38(4): 438-441.
    Expression of carbonic anhydraseⅨ in ovarian epithelial cancer and its clinical significance
    GUO Su-yang, ZHAO Yan, LI Sheng-ze
    2014, 38(4): 442-444.
    The combining detection of Ezrin protein and E-cadherin in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its significance
    CUI Zhen, HE Bin, YIN Hong-mei, LOU Jian-jun, WU Yun-lai, LIU Jing-jing, LI Duo-jie, JIANG Hao, PENG Kai-gui
    2014, 38(4): 445-447,450.
    The application of lauromacrogol and pingyangmycin guided by ultrasound in the treatment of venous malformations in 15 cases
    SUN Heng-liang, ZHANG Li, CAO Cheng-cheng, HUO Ji-wu
    2014, 38(4): 448-450.
    The effect of ezetimibe combined with rosuvastatin in the treatment of patients with hyperlipidemia
    LI Li-yan, LI Lei, YANG Rong-li
    2014, 38(4): 451-454.
    Expression of carbonic anhydrase Ⅸ in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and its clinical significance
    GUO Wei, LIU Xian-Fu, ZHANG Ming-Liang
    2014, 38(4): 453-455.
    The value of different conservative methods in the treatment of tubal pregnancy
    WU Guo-hua
    2014, 38(4): 456-458.
    Application of limited fluid infusion to cirrhosis patients combined with massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
    ZHANG Cheng-bin, ZHAO Hong, CHEN Zhi-ming, SUN Juan
    2014, 38(4): 459-461,465.
    Association of MRI features of invasive pituitary adenoma with the expression of galectin-3 and matrixmetallop roteinase-2
    CAO Guang-Dong, SU He Xian, MA Jun, LI Jian
    2014, 38(4): 462-465.
    Tamsulosin combined with solifenacin for treatment of distal ureteral calculi after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
    ZHANG Zhe, YANG Wei-min
    2014, 38(4): 466-468.
    Application of nickel TiNi shape memory alloy patellar concentrator to patients with patella fracture:a report of 90 cases
    WANG Zhu
    2014, 38(4): 469-471.
    Capecitabine combined with oxaliplatin and docetaxel in treatment of advanced gastric cancer
    JIANG Xiang-de, WANG Lei, LIU You-ru, SHI Zhen-shan, XU Ying
    2014, 38(4): 471-473.
    Clinical observation of dialectical acupoints selection therapy for functional dyspepsia associated with sleep disorders
    YIN Jie
    2014, 38(4): 474-475,478.
    Penehyelidine combined with tropisetron in prevention of nausea and vomiting after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
    DU Chang-huang
    2014, 38(4): 476-478.
    The curative effect evaluation of muscle strength training on patients with patellar strain
    WANG Dong-ming, DUAN Zi-cai, LIU Yong
    2014, 38(4): 479-481.
    The efficacy of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in the treatment of leucopenia after chemotherapy
    XU Ke-qiang
    2014, 38(4): 482-483,486.
    The clinicopathologic analysis of cervical lymphadenectasis in 180 cases
    LUO Rui, ZHU Zheng-zhi, LI Jing, LIU Gui-ling, YIN Xian-lu
    2014, 38(4): 484-486.
    The relationship between the blood platelet count and liver function after disconnection in patient with portal hypertension
    SUN Qiang, ZHENG Zheng
    2014, 38(4): 487-489.
    Clinical analysis of 13 cases of neurosyphilis and review of the literature
    LIU Bin, ZHONG Ping, WANG Guo-sheng, ZHANG Lei, MA Zheng-fei, ZHANG Zun-sheng
    2014, 38(4): 489-491.
    Analysis of sex hormone levels of infertile males with oligospermia or azoospermia
    ZHAO Hua-meng
    2014, 38(4): 492-493.
    The effect of personalized prosthetics on iris injury in 13 cases
    WEN Li-hui, NONG Yi-jun, MO Ming-hui, WANG Jun, ZHAN Lei
    2014, 38(4): 494-496.
    Observation of heart rate variability in functional ventricular premature beat children of different ages
    WANG Jin, PANG Bao-dong, LI Li, KAN Ya-nan, LIANG Hong-wei
    2014, 38(4): 497-499.
    Standard large trauma craniotomy for treatment of severe traumatic brain injury:a report of 32 cases
    DUAN Zhong-hua
    2014, 38(4): 499-502.
    The status survey of editor mental health of Anhui province's university journal
    YAO Ren-bin, ZHANG Xiu-jun, MA Qi, ZHANG Xin-sheng, LIU Lu, ZHOU Yang, LIU Chang, YAO Rong-ying, ZHAI Chang-ping
    2014, 38(4): 513-515.
    Status quo of self-worth in nursing students of higher vocational schools
    LI Zheng-jie, LIU Xin-ming, CHENG Mao-yu, LI Shi-hong, GAO Yue, ZHU Ying-jun, TONG Fei
    2014, 38(4): 516-518.
    The analysis of fatty liver and metabolic syndrome of people with advanced academic title in a Anhui medical college
    ZHOU Yang, HUANG Fen
    2014, 38(4): 519-521,532.
    The application of local injection of TNF- inhibitors guided by high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound in the treatment of hip joint lesions in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
    SHI Yan, ZHANG Xue-zhen, YIN Zheng-yin, CHEN Lin-jie, NING Yan, WANG Tao, MEI Yong-jun, LI Zhi-jun
    2014, 38(4): 525-527.
    The significance of color Doppler flow image in the assessment of lower limb venous blood flow of perioperative patients with pelvic tumor
    ZHANG Zheng, SU Li-ya, XU Guang, WANG Chuan-yu, LI Chao-qun
    2014, 38(4): 528-530.
    The value of the combined detection of serum CEA, CYFRA21-1,NSEand CA724 in the diagnosis of lung cancer
    LI Zi-sheng, WANG Yong-sheng, QIN Wen-yan, SHE You-qing
    2014, 38(4): 535-537.