    Construction of eukaryotic expression vector containing latent membrane protein 1 and its expression in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
    LIU Xiaojia, TAN Ning, TIAN Jing, ZENG Sien
    2014, 38(5): 561-564.
    The effect of ellagic acid on the function of gap junction of Hela cells with stable expresson of Cx32
    FAN Gaofu, TONG Xuhui, DONG Shuying, JIANG Guojun, TAO Liang
    2014, 38(5): 564-567.
    Expression of MHC-Ⅱ,MHC-Ⅰand -SMA in muscular layer of esophagus in adult dog
    ZHOU Jiamei, LIANG Liang, TU Lili, ZHU Xiuling, ZHANG Ming, XU Shengchun
    2014, 38(5): 568-570.
    The expression of whole blood microRNA-1 in early acute myocardial infarction
    QIAN Zongjie, XIE Fusheng
    2014, 38(5): 571-574.
    Correlation analysis of carotid atherosclerosis and senile degenerative heart valvular disease
    GONG Wenliang
    2014, 38(5): 574-576.
    The diagnosis and treatment experience in squamous cell carcinoma of bladder
    LIU Dingyi, WANG Mingwei, WANG Jian, CHU Chenlong, SHEN Zhoujun, ZHOU Wenlong
    2014, 38(5): 577-579.
    Study of incidence and correlation factors of depression in patients with myasthenia gravis
    LIU Huihua
    2014, 38(5): 579-582.
    Clinical effect of -lipoic acid in the treatment of diabetic neurogenic bladder:a report of 39 cases
    JIANG Xi, CAO Zhigang, LUO Yong, CHEN Qichao
    2014, 38(5): 583-584.
    The effect of L-carnitine on insulin resistance of 32 cases with nonalcoholic fatty liver
    ZHANG Xiaohong, TIAN Yi, LIU Qiping, BEI Songhua, LIU Jiansheng
    2014, 38(5): 585-587.
    Association of stress hyperglycemia and its control level with the prognosis of critically ill patients
    CHEN Qi
    2014, 38(5): 587-589.
    The short-term effect of porous tantalum implant combined with core decompression in the treatment of adult early osteonecrosis of the femoral head
    WU Min, GUAN Jianzhong, XIAO Yuzhou, ZHOU Jiansheng, DAI Xiusong, WANG Zhaodong
    2014, 38(5): 590-592.
    Antofloxacin for the treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
    SUN Xueqiang, ZHANG Chenguang, MAO Zhifang
    2014, 38(5): 593-596.
    Diagnostic value of crochetage on R wave in identify atrial septal defect in pediatric with pulmonary arterial hypertension
    KAN Yanan, LI Li, WANG Jin, JIANG Hongwei
    2014, 38(5): 596-598.
    The effect of transurethal resection of prostate in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia of 134 cases
    YANG Xiaohuai, LI Qingwen, LIU Beibei, XUE Sheng, LI Jian
    2014, 38(5): 599-601.
    Efficacy of oxiracetam combined with nimodipine for treatment of vascular dementia
    SONG Ke, WANG Huaming
    2014, 38(5): 601-602.
    The application of general anesthesia in 165 elderly operation patients
    CHEN Yunfei, XU Xiaodong, ZU Shufang, JIANG Jian, QIAO Luxiang
    2014, 38(5): 603-606.
    Clinical analysis of water birth 98 cases
    CHEN Lei, PEI Jiuwei, PU Mei, LIU Yu
    2014, 38(5): 606-608.
    Clinical analysis of 54 cases of ovarian serous carcinoma
    LIU Lijun, DU Danli
    2014, 38(5): 609-612.
    The effect of enriched arginine in enteral nutrition on the nutritional status and prognosis of patients with severe stroke
    ZHOU Bin, WU Wei, GUO Gaofeng
    2014, 38(5): 612-615.
    The arthroscopic treatment of avulsion fracture of tibia intercondylar eminence
    ZHANG Qing, HUANG Ming, ZHENG Yangui, DAI Yongli, FANG Guiming
    2014, 38(5): 616-618.
    The effect of vidarabine monophosphate in the treatment of infectious mononucleosis in children
    WANG Shanlin
    2014, 38(5): 619-621.
    Effect of entecavir combined with a-2b interferon on treatment of chronic hepatitis B
    ZHANG Zhimin, JI Baoyu, LI Lin
    2014, 38(5): 621-622.
    Clinical analysis of 12 cases of Rhupus syndrome
    Guo Wenjing, Chen Linjie, Fan Xiaoyun, Wang Tao, Chen Jing, Wang Xin
    2014, 38(5): 624-626.
    Changes and significance of serum of acute prostatitis prostate specific antigen
    Zhang Hongshuang, Li Yangliang, Lu Jia
    2014, 38(5): 627-629.
    The interstitial lung disease is a clinical analysis of 3 cases of the first manifestation of dermatomyositis
    Zhao Luoya, Lu Shengfang
    2014, 38(5): 629-631.
    To observe the curative effect of clopidogrel combined with aspirin in the treatment of progressive cerebral infarction
    Hu Wenhai
    2014, 38(5): 631-633.
    Effect of family function on nutrition intervention of type 2 diabetic patients in community
    LIU Huaqing, ZHANG Min, JIANG Chengmei, ZHAO Wenhong, CHEN Jun, CHEN Daoli, DAI Jing
    2014, 38(5): 634-637.
    The survey of nutritional knowledge,attitude and practice of medical college students
    SHU Li, MA Yan, ZHAO Wenhong, ZHANG Chen, YIN Chuanling
    2014, 38(5): 637-639.
    The survey of the knowledge,attitude and behavior about the self-care products of oral health of adult patients with oral disease
    LI Xiuru, ZHANG Xiujun, ZHAO Chunhui, ZHANG Xiumei, LUO Yong
    2014, 38(5): 640-643.
    The diagnostic value of virtual touch quantification technology for liver fibrosis grades induced by chronic hepatisis B
    WU Hongbing, WANG Jinping, XU Hongqiang, CHEN Xiaoyi, CHANG Lina, LI Baoqi
    2014, 38(5): 643-645.
    The angiography diagnosis and embolotherapy of acute gastrointestinal bleeding
    XIE Bo, XU Hong, TAN Yulin, ZHANG Yang, YUAN Mu, YANG Peipei
    2014, 38(5): 646-648.
    High intensity focused ultrasound in treatment of uterine fibroids 98 cases analysis
    Li Xiaoyan, Yan Zhenji
    2014, 38(5): 649-650.
    Relativity of ELISA and TPPA methods in detection of treponema pallidum antibody
    WEI Fang, ZHANG Peng
    2014, 38(5): 651-652.
    WS/T403-2012 standard for medical laboratory quality control of clinical biochemistry routine detection
    Ai Hongmei
    2014, 38(5): 653-654.
    Analysis of KX-21 type and ACT type diff2 blood cell analyzer
    Zhu Xueqing, Wufan, Jia Ruoqian
    2014, 38(5): 655-656.
    The correlation of the early pubertal timing and aggressive behavior of girls
    YU Hejun, ZHOU Ying, GU Xuan, PENG Wenia, YAO Rongying
    2014, 38(5): 657-660.
    Investigation of personality quality in higher vocational nursing students of a school
    Deng Binju, He Yaqiong, Wang Xiujie, Zhang Hong
    2014, 38(5): 661-662.
    Study of the relationship between turnover intention and occupational commitment among male nurses
    WANG Xi, PAN Feifei, ZHANG Jing
    2014, 38(5): 663-666.
    The application of comfortable nuring in the resection of pituitary adenomas by endonasal transsphenoidal approach
    YAN Xiuqin
    2014, 38(5): 666-668.
    The comprehensive care of placenta previa expectant treatment and its effect
    WANG Rui, SHEN Qingwen, ZHANG Yu, PAN Li
    2014, 38(5): 669-670.
    Effect of nursing intervention on acute mental state in acute myocardial infarction patients
    ZHAN Yan, REN Jinmei, LI Zixiang
    2014, 38(5): 671-674.
    Anterior cervical decompression in 37 cases of respiratory tract management
    Su Xiaojun, Cao Yu
    2014, 38(5): 674-676.
    Effect of clean intermittent catheterization for the treatment of urinary retention following radical resection of cervical carcinoma
    PENG Zhengyan, HUANG Li, YU Chunfeng, ZHAO Feng
    2014, 38(5): 677-679.
    To observe the effect of QCC activities for elderly patients with peripheral venous indwelling needle puncture success rate
    Tang Xia, Yang Jing
    2014, 38(5): 679-681.
    Effect of preoperative psychological intervention on patients before anesthesia and general anesthesia recovery period
    Wang Li, Li Ruoyun, Li Xiuzhen
    2014, 38(5): 681-682.
    By analyzing the causes for bladder spasm after transurethral resection of the prostate and nursing care
    Lu Shuying
    2014, 38(5): 683-684.
    Nursing intervention to reduce the bronchoscope needle biopsy complication function
    Xu Qing, Cao Zhigang
    2014, 38(5): 685-686.
    Progress in the endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy signaling pathway
    Song Lele, Jiang Chenchen Proofreading
    2014, 38(5): 687-690.
    Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy research progress on biomarkers of newborn
    Qu Shaihuaoverview, Dong Huaifuproofreading
    2014, 38(5): 691-694.
    Progress in study on cause of non syndromic cleft lip and cleft palate
    Zhang Yanping, Chai Jixia
    2014, 38(5): 694-696.
    Application of radioactive 131I in the treatment of Graves disease
    Wu Chenchenoverview, Zhang Xiaomeiproofreading
    2014, 38(5): 697-700.
    Echocardiographic diagnosis of fetal primary tumor in 1 cases
    Wang Ming, Zhu Xiancun, Ou Guangchao
    2014, 38(5): 701-701.